herbalife diet

i have been doing the herbalife diet for 8 days and am doing well at the moment, i just wondered if anyone wanted to add me who else is on it and share tips and views on it :) be nice to know how others are getting on to.. thanks :)


  • Sarahsilverxox
    Hey I just started the herbalife diet on Saturday if u wanna share tips etc? X
  • jeyda_123
    jeyda_123 Posts: 4
    Hiya yeah that would be great :) X
  • sunshineamy84
    Hey I sent you a friend request there.

    I started Herbalife about 4 weeks ago, taking two shakes a day, one for breakfast and lunch and having my usual dinner. I took one or both days off at the weekend. I was training hard the first three weeks on it for a 10k run, so was building up muscle mass too, so didnt expect to loose anything but at the end of week 3 I lost 6 lbs. And to be honest at the weekends I would still have a chinese takeaway and some chocolate and wine!
    This past week I have been dosed with the cold and took about 4 days off herbalife and ate quire badly, also not been able to exercise as much so I fear I may have put the 6 lbs on again. Good thing is I dont own scales! My cousin is my distributor to I will go to hers to get myself weighed and measured in a couple of weeks now I am back on track. Still feeling under the weather a little and recovering from a chest infection so cant do too much cardio.
    My last weigh in I was 10 stone 8lbs, my goal is to reach 9 stone 7lbs. My body fat is 27%, not bad ut would like it down to around 15%.

    In between shakes for snacks I have been eating yohgurts and fruit and the odd boiled egg. Im trying to think of more high protein snacks as Ive noticed the sugar levels in fruit and yohgurts are quite high.
    I have finished 4 weeks of boxercise classes and when Im feeling better I will start parkfit. Not been for a run since the 10k but will still do the odd run here and there :-)

    Overall I am positive about Herbalife and like it! I love how convenient having a shake for breakfast and lunch is, I dont have much time for both so its good to fit it in and it actually saves me money overall as some days I would buy lunch at 5 quid!.

    My cousin lost 3 stone on Herbalife over the space of about 6/7 months! And she is maintaining it no problem. Her friend has so far lost about a stone in the past 8 weeks.
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    Hi There,

    I drink a Herbalife shake with protein powder for breakfast only. I don't do good with liquid food, but this way it helps me keep my calories in check, cause i tend to eat the most junk in the morning.

    I lost over 20kgs years ago on Herbalife, but gained that and more recently during my pregnancy. Now working on loosing that and then some.

    What i used to do before, was drink it for breakfast and lunch, have Thermojetics all day pretty much, and drank the multivitamin. The thermo helped me a lot, but i don't do so well with caffeine anymore.

    I also drink Herbalife for all 3 meals for a week if i'm detoxing.

    These are just things that helped me in the past. Goodluck on your journey
  • _lizzieanne08_
    _lizzieanne08_ Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I have been on and off Herbalife for about a year now. It did get me on the track for where I needed to be in my weight loss journey and it helped train my body to not snack and graze on food throughout the day. However, I will start taking it and do well for a month, see a change in my body, lose weight but then I feel like I need real food, I will crave it. I take the suppliments and drink two shakes per day and eat a healthy dinner. I also stay active, I like to do cardio at the gym, bike and run outside and I take a 50 minute spinning class twice a week.

    I still have the Herbalife system and continue to take it from time to time but I do not stick to the strict schedule. I have also completely changed my eating habits, no more fast food or pre-packaged meals or foods and sweets in moderation. I eat all fresh fruits and vegetables, grilled chicken and a lot of seafood. I will sometimes have a shake for breakfast and then eat a healthy lunch and dinner and I still see results.

    After taking Herbalife I would definately recommend it to anyone starting their journey as a great meal replacement. It helped torwards my weight loss goal and I am down 35+ pounds from when I started my journey about a year ago.

  • snshine1028
    snshine1028 Posts: 44 Member
    HI! I just purchased my herbalife and hopefully I'll get it by the time I get home today. What was your schedule like while taking the shake?
  • snshine1028
    snshine1028 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey I sent you a friend request there.

    I started Herbalife about 4 weeks ago, taking two shakes a day, one for breakfast and lunch and having my usual dinner. I took one or both days off at the weekend. I was training hard the first three weeks on it for a 10k run, so was building up muscle mass too, so didnt expect to loose anything but at the end of week 3 I lost 6 lbs. And to be honest at the weekends I would still have a chinese takeaway and some chocolate and wine!
    This past week I have been dosed with the cold and took about 4 days off herbalife and ate quire badly, also not been able to exercise as much so I fear I may have put the 6 lbs on again. Good thing is I dont own scales! My cousin is my distributor to I will go to hers to get myself weighed and measured in a couple of weeks now I am back on track. Still feeling under the weather a little and recovering from a chest infection so cant do too much cardio.
    My last weigh in I was 10 stone 8lbs, my goal is to reach 9 stone 7lbs. My body fat is 27%, not bad ut would like it down to around 15%.

    In between shakes for snacks I have been eating yohgurts and fruit and the odd boiled egg. Im trying to think of more high protein snacks as Ive noticed the sugar levels in fruit and yohgurts are quite high.
    I have finished 4 weeks of boxercise classes and when Im feeling better I will start parkfit. Not been for a run since the 10k but will still do the odd run here and there :-)

    Overall I am positive about Herbalife and like it! I love how convenient having a shake for breakfast and lunch is, I dont have much time for both so its good to fit it in and it actually saves me money overall as some days I would buy lunch at 5 quid!.

    My cousin lost 3 stone on Herbalife over the space of about 6/7 months! And she is maintaining it no problem. Her friend has so far lost about a stone in the past 8 weeks.

    HI! I just purchased my herbalife and hopefully I'll get it by the time I get home today. What was your schedule like while taking the shake? I'm also a runner too, so I'm hoping this will help me lose the weight I want.
  • sunshineamy84
    Hi snshine1028!

    My scheldule for running was 3-4 runs a week, doing anything between 5k and 8k. This was for 3 weeks whilst taking the shake and leading up til the 10k run itself. So in that time I lost 6 lbs. I reckon I could have lost more if I was a little bit stricter with my food and alcohol intake at weekends.
    Since the 10k last Sunday I have had a chest infection so not been able to run since :-(. I'll probably do another few 10ks this year but I found a few years when I ran a lot (I was training for a full marathon) I didnt loose any weight. Then again I wasn't on herbalife!!
    BUT Im mindful that muscle mass does weigh more than fat, and if Im loosing the inches and lowering my fat % as well as a few lbs, I'll be happy :-).
    How much do you aim to loose? Have you measured yourself?