Tipring Member


  • mangos. Never had them before, bougt some frozen mangos to add to my smoothies. Yummy!!
  • I am actually motivating myself. I want to d this. But, it makes me feel so good when my husband says that he is proud of me doing this without making a "New Years Resolution" to loose weight. I am doing this to feel better about myself. His pride in me is helping me to motivate and take pride in myself. I really hope that…
  • My scale broke over 10 years ago. So I have been using my neighbors scale (am only weiging in once a week). So, I thought I would buy a $10 scale at the store. Took it out of the package, it did not work!! LOL!! I took that as a sign that it is not time to have a scale in the house yet. Hahaha
  • I got 2 firm body dvds at the dollar tree, and I also have a pilaties dvd from target. Love them
  • wonder if it is water weigt you are losing.
  • I get the munchies too. Not on the pill. It does go away after a couple of days. If my calorie counter is good, I usually try to make a smoothie. But when I don't have room on the calorie counter for a snack I suffer, like right now!! I want chocolate so bad, and water is just not doing the job. So, just a couple more…
  • Do NOT eat bananas. Over the counter called Senecot. Definitely gets things going. Don't know if Fleet is over the counter, but that works very good too. Had to buy for my boys before.
  • that is fantastic. My hubby is being supportive as well. Notices if he is pressuring me into try a new candy that he brought home for the boys to try. I have to say, I am proud of my will power because I usually say no. But having the other half take notice and support our actions makes life so much easier.
  • how funny, I was pretty much wondering the same thing. I was mega B@#CH last night. And I realized I went over my daily calorie count. Had horrible cramps this morning, and after exercising and walking I am ok.
  • stretches, then just stretch a little farther every day.
  • I gained 60 pounds with my first, but I was about 15 pounds under weight before pregnancy. He was 8 lbs 10 ozs. 6 years after him got prego with my youngest. Gained 50 pounds, he was 10 pounds 2 ounces. I weigh more now than I did at the end of my pregnancies.
  • YAY!!!! You can, and you will do it!!
  • I think walking faster will burn more caories, but also add ankle weights. That should increase the calories burned.
  • I take Lexapro, and my OB/GYN added Wellbutrin on top of the Lexapro for weight loss itself. He said it is not approved by the FDA here, but it is what they use in England for weigt loss. I need to go back to his office to get weighed on his scale, but I weighed myself on my neigbors home scale on Sunday and it shows I…
  • I am so excited. Bought my stuff for smoothies for tomorrow. Plain yogurt, no fat milk, frozen strawberries, and frozen blueberries. I don't like adding juice to my smoothies. Just milk, yogurt and ice with the fruit!
  • Today is my day 3. I am not much of an exerciser but walking and stretching all count and add up. I am also finding myself reading labels, and watching my portions. Amazing!! This site is so easy to use, love it!
  • I was considering smoothies too. I am not a big breakfast person, so I thought I would break out the blender after years of being boxed away. I was always a strawberry, banana, and yogurt fan. I bought a smoothie receipe book about 12 years ago. I think I am going to start buying the frozen fruits and light yogurt! You can…
  • Lodi, California here. About 30 miles south of Sacramento. Glad to have broken the record of 61 degrees today. Had all the windows open in my house and was able to get yard work done.
  • I have to admit, our scale was broken and thrown away years ago. Now I am too scared to buy a new one. I am afraid I will throw it out the window cause I know I am gonna hate what it says.