Sharon468 Member


  • I'd say it depends on why your blood sugar is increasing. Losing weight is great for many reasons, but it's no guarantee that your blood sugar will go back to normal. There are plenty of "normal"-weight people who also have high blood sugar. In fact, a 2016 study found that one-third of Americans over 45 with a BMI below…
  • 45 minutes of walking a day *is* exercise, so you have indeed exercised in your life :-) If you want to up your cardio fitness you can do occasional intervals of faster walking followed by moderate paced intervals for "recovery." I find that listening to music helps a lot in picking up the pace. No need to try to jump into…
  • Eat real food instead of processed chemicals. You'll be way healthier even if you end up with a few less grams of protein.
  • After reading the book "Fat Chance" which goes into pretty deep scientific detail about how various substances affect your body, I agree with the author (a pediatric endocrinologist) that smoothies and other blended shakes with fruit aren't good for you, if you are indeed blending the banana and milk and protein powder…
  • Glad it went OK. I, oddly, was down almost a pound after the chocolate cake. I expect tha was just a coincidence :-)
  • How'd it go? I had a few forkfuls of chocolate cake tonight that my husband brought home from dinner. I thought I was reasonable about it - just a few forkfuls, not the whole slice, there's still plenty left over. I don't think it's reasonable for me to give up all sweets and refined carbs for the rest of my life. So I'm…
  • "Slow carb low crap" - that's perfect! I was fooling myself munching on small handfuls of nuts while at work and thinking I was still eating "healthy enough to lose." I was initially shocked at how few nuts 1/4 cup really are! Now, though, I measure them out and take them to work and only eat them as a planned snack when…
  • I really like South Beach as well - as I often say, it's not "low carb" (except for Phase 1) but "low crap." However, I've discovered that along with generally following the SB principles, I also needed to start tracking, weighing and measuring in order to get my portion sizes under control. I am seeing a nutritionist, and…
  • I beg to differ. It completely depends on how you walk. Strolling leisurely isn't going to do much for your cardiovascular fitness -- although that's STILL better than sitting. But if you're pacing yourself at 4 mph or faster? Doing intervals where you walk as fast as you possibly can for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds…
  • Do you have any insight into why you're binging? What is happening on the weekends that's not happening during the week? Are you depriving yourself too much during the week? Is there something emotionally that happens during the weekends that isn't happening during the week that is triggering this? Are you around people…
  • You don't "hate exercise." You hate *most of the exercises you've tried*. Big difference. I'm not a gym person and I'm not an exercise class person. I love walking outside. I have a walking buddy at work and we brisk walk at lunchtime. It's great to get out into the fresh air and have a chat while we walk. I also walk…
  • I am weighing daily in the morning now too while I'm trying to lose, because once a week isn't enough data to see a proper trend until a few months go by. How do you know otherwise if one of those weekly weigh-ins happened during a spike or dip? I keep a spreadsheet and then look at my 7-day trailing average (average of…