I just thought I'd update this and say, of the 42lb I said i wanted to lose (3 stone) I'm currently sitting at 13lb off! I've got 29lb to go, and 14 weeks to do it. It is still possible, but it's going to be tough! How is everyone else doing? xxx
Wore a waistcoat yesterday that used to sit on top of my tummy when i sat down... now it doesn't ride up at all!!
Thanks all, it seems to be carbs I crave - and junk (dark choc seems a good plan!) These are all really great sensible suggestions, thank you! Also, and I say this with the greatest degree of sisterhood and love in the world, but I'm quite grateful I'm not the only one! I shall try and not panic about it and try to listen…
Thanks Elle! I'm going to try it with grated apple I think.
When you say apple sauce do you literally mean the stuff you eat with roast pork (I'm a brit!) and these sound awesome, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get hold of any other type of apple sauce?!
It is scale related - but this weekend I weighed in at the lowest I think I've weighed in around 5 years. Also, resisted stuffing my face at the buffet for my niece's birthday.
I've had sooooo many compliments on my outfit today - I don't care if I'm fat, I'm flying!
It is becoming more and more the done thing over here in the UK, people ask for money or vouchers, often towards something (honeymoon is quite common).
I visited my parents this weekend and we took them out for dinner. Huge victory #1 (non weight related!) I drove there - 80+ miles, I only passed my test in dec and am really a very nervous driver, but I did it and I was super proud! Victory #2 I left loads of food on my plate when we were out, I still ate more than I…
I didn't have ice cream last night! I really wanted it, but it would have taken me too far over my calories, so I said no!
Nope, not silly at all :) I can't wait till I do!!
A couple of little ones for me - yesterday I ignored the buffet at our lunch meeting as I had salad with me (it smelled awesome!!) Today I made myself make salad, even though I really wanted to buy lunch, it was delicious!
These all sound awesome. It's not under 100 calories, but the UK 2 finger kit kat is only 107 and honestly, it gives me that chocolate hit.
I'd like to make my christmas target 42lb - 3 stone in my language ;) Lets see how I get on! Lots of love from here in the UK x
Thanks h82bfat :) I like that.... never thought of it before.
What is an NSV? sorry to be dumb! Whatever it stands for that is awesome news!
a lot of the boys i know weigh themselves daily and try to work out the average by doing some kind of funky maths-y type stuff. I try and do it weekly, but often want to see mid week too.
I'm not sure I'll be able to give much in the way of motivation, but I'm all in for support!! Have you thought about WHY you are trying to lose weight? Might it help you to re-find your motivation? If it helps, I'm just trying to take it one day at a time, no step away from the path is a failure, I relax way too much at…
I'm Smammi's sister and honey, I totally know where you are coming from. I almost got into the habit of using my weight as a way of shocking people! Noone ever believes me when I tell them how much i weigh! It's kinda nice, but I can't go on being fat forever, it's not worth it. I'm going to add you as a friend, I hope you…
I treated my boyfriend to a gift voucher for christmas, its a nice treat i think.
Thanks so much guys! Will have a proper read through tonight. These all sound yummy.
Thanks guys. I've just decided to do it - my boyfriend is the same, so we're helping each other - I figure I'm still young enough for it to make a difference to my future health. So here goes!