How often to weigh self?

I know that you're not supposed to weigh yourself frequently but I was wondering if any of you guys follow a pattern for getting weighed? And also for taking measurements?

I was going to weigh myself weekly and measure monthly but I know how I am and if I don't keep seeing the results on the scale I'll give up. So I was thinking about getting weighed monthly instead?

Guess I'm just trying to ask what you guys record your progress.



  • BlueEyedRomantic
    You usualy should weigh in weekly, but it feels soooo much better to look at the scale and see 10 pounds lost then 2. So monthly or every other week should be good :)
  • jackymenhennet
    jackymenhennet Posts: 12 Member
    I weigh myself a lot - I can't stand looking at the scales and not jump on them !! But be prepared to be disappointed most of the time cos you do not lose weight daily :) I think once a week is the normal weigh to do it and record it in a book or something. With regards to measuring - I've never done it till I joined this group ....... I measured myself for the 2nd time yesterday and was disappointed to see that though I have lost 3 kgs, I didn't lose any inches so the tape measure will come out in a month's time - if then !! I think I'd rather know I'm losing weight through my clothes :)
  • tonmoii
    tonmoii Posts: 12
    In my personal experience, weigh yourself once a week. That way, you don't get pissed off seeing yourself gain pounds/kilograms of water of a small period of time.

    I check my weight and measurements each friday and usually after my workouts.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i do it every day! i am now maintaining so am going to try and wean myself off it, and go for once a week!
  • amyvic4686
    Once a week here as well. It balances out the inaccuracies of weighing yourself every day. I don't bother with measurements. You should be able to tell through how your clothes feel. I feel better when my clothes feel baggier than reading a number off a tape measure.
    Good luck on your MFP journey xx
  • Visser1971
    Visser1971 Posts: 131
    I weigh almost every day just out of interest, but as others have implied, it depends on how you react to the scale. If you don't see progress and that sends you into a snack party, then don't get on the scale each day but instead once a week or once each two weeks. If you get on the scale and no movement motivates you to take a walk or do some activity, then every day would work. I will probably start to skip a few days here and there because I a past the first two week point (where I saw some great results) and expect the weight to come off a bit more slowly.

    And if I see no change on the scale, I get up and do something active! :-)

    Cheers, Christy
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day. :D but then, I'm new.

    I have a morning weigh in, naked. I have an evening weigh in before tea, with clothes. I foolishly put in my first weight as a clothed one just before tea so I have two numbers in my head: what I 'truly' weigh (morning naked) and what your machine expects.

    I have a set of scales that measures kilos, and tenths of kilos. I certainly do lose weight every day, in teh hundreds of grammes. I lost 3lb last week - that's an average of 200g a day and you see it on the scales. it wobbles a bit but it's fun.

    It's fun watching that little tiny downward journey. teensy bit by teensy bit. I don't need the big numbers, I don't need to wait all week for a thrill or a surprise... I like every morning seeing a tiny little loss. A slice off the pound of butter in the kitchen. I visualise it and I get a tiny kick out of it. :D
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    I try to weigh myself every Thursday, but I always forget.
    If I have a set date for weighing, it reminds me not to eat that donut, or whatever. Like, "weighing myself tomorrow, better have an apple instead."
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    I planned on once a week, but then been doing it around every 5 days.
    I only have the wii for scales, which is good, because I can't be bothered to switch it on every day just for that.
  • bhagavatilad1
    For the purpose of this tool to be accurate you need to weigh yourself weekly I am and take meaurements weekly at the same time too you'll be able to get more info from it if you don't see results you can throw a question out there and someone might view you diary and you can get an answer quickly.
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    I normally record my weight every week (for me fridays)

    But I generally weigh myself periodically throughout the week, out of curiousity not for actucally "weigh-in" purposes.

    I used to measure myself every 2 weeks.

    Yet, I can see changes happening so I have been doing it every week out of eagerness.

    Everyone is different do what makes you feel comfortable. Remember it took you years to put the weight on. It could (unfortunately) take that long to take it off. It is a lifestyle change not a quick fix. ^.^

    Good Luck on your journey
  • beccus
    beccus Posts: 25 Member
    a lot of the boys i know weigh themselves daily and try to work out the average by doing some kind of funky maths-y type stuff.
    I try and do it weekly, but often want to see mid week too.
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    I feel better when my clothes feel baggier than reading a number off a tape measure.

    Huh, interesting. I buy a lot of clothes online from different countries, so I tape measure myself anyway, and it feels good to go down an inch.
    I think I get used to how clothes feel on my body, so I don't notice the bagginess as much.
  • Piglet_26
    Piglet_26 Posts: 104
    I personally try to aim for weighing in once a week but when i know i've had a few hic-ups during the week i'll leave it until the week after, mainly to try and avoid any disappointment thus keeping my mind happy with my weight loss :)
  • chickenpoppa
    chickenpoppa Posts: 207 Member
    I weigh myself each saturday morning before i have breakfast. I do my measurements every 4 weeks, my trainer at the gym does it:-)
  • shadesofannie
    shadesofannie Posts: 4 Member
    For me, and to keep myself of track, I weigh every other day. I know that's a lot, but I am scale-obsessed and I know it, but it works for me. I count calories, weight every other day and walk at least 3 times a week and so far I've lost 21 lbs in 32 days so I have to be doing something right. I think you just have to finds what works for you and then stick to it. I wish you the best of luck! :)
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    At the moment I'm weighing every day, simply because I'm REALLY having to keep an eye on my weight. I have a bridesmaids dress to fit into in 18 days, which was a bit tight on me last Wednesday... In weighing every day I find that I'm more inclined to make the right choices, as I can see on the scale when I've went a bit overboard.

    After the wedding I'll be weighing weekly once again, as I'll be maintaining.

    I haven't taken my measurements in a couple of months, but I usually would take them every 6 weeks...
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    I weigh most days but only log it about once or twice a week, maybe a bit more often, it depends, I know my weight fluctuates a lot and so I record it as it goes down - as long as the trend is down over all I'm happy:O)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I weigh myself every day. I recorded weekly when I was losing, but daily now that I'm maintaining (which may be making me rather neurotic). I don't think I'd remember as easily if it wasn't daily, and in the past I've let my weight zoom back up again by ignoring the scales, so I'm not doing that again!

    I think, for me, weekly weigh-ins could mean losing more than I intended or ignoring hunger cues because the calories were right, while in fact I was losing way too fast. I also think that it helps to know if your loss/gain is a blip or part of a trend.
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    Personally, I like to weigh in every two weeks. :smile: