Ms_Curly Member


  • Thanks for the Support and Motivation, guys. Back on track today :) And yes, I ended up logging the binge. Go me! :)
  • I did a Dry April which I never thought I would succeed at, being a frequent drinker. It wasn't bad at all! I think it was because I knew the time period would end and so I had no cravings, and simply postponed any social engagements until the month was over. I felt absolutely great at the end of it, and suprisingly I…
  • I considered this, but feel that I wouldn't have the self control if "let loose" to eat and drink whatever I want on those two days of freedom lol. My willpower isn't the best as it is so I'm sticking to the the more structured "own what you eat" approach for now. Wish you guys all the best though, let us know how you go!
  • Unfortunately, I am NOT a picky eater AT ALL. I will eat anything and everything. The steamed fish and veggies I found SO yummy, not a "I'm forcing myself to eat this" thing at all, I find it delicious and a bonus that i get so much more quantity of food for so little calories, I am not paying attention to my macros at…
  • Yes, you may have a point. In my defence, I think I was hearing the kookaburras (ie. It was close to dawn), by the time I got to bed.
  • Lots of crumbs in the knitted garment! :) I've actually managed to knit whilst on the exercise bike and watching telly, so it's usually a great hobby.
  • Oh, you have an extra challenge with having two kids with different nutritional needs! It must be hard to be diplomatic about managing the portion sizes/food choices between the two as well. I can just say to my daughter, eat eat eat, and she says to me mummy you need to do some sit-ups now lol (she's autistic and is quite…
  • I've never gotten any other ad except for "5foods to eat for a flat tummy" etc etc. Yawn.
  • Recently, I almost applied for a (electricity) meter job! My brother is one and this sounded like the dream job, being paid to exercise in a way I totally enjoy (walking). The hours were wrong for my family's lifestyle though :(
  • I have scales! It's really slimline and so portable for eating out :) , really opened my eyes on just how much 100g for eg looks like. I love it. Vicki, I will definitely count the alcohol calories when I'm drinking again... This whole food diary thing has really opened my eyes to how much alcohol really contributes! Meal…
  • In Australia, that tends to be the case. Constantly bombarded by cheaper and cheaper fast food "deals" whereas a bag of salad and a piece of good meat or fish costs a lot more.
  • I have a couple of "nights out" slated next month when I KNOW there will be more than a drink or two budgeted for. The difference is I won't be drinking during the week like I used to. The meal replacements aren't bad, they are very convenient and fill me up.
  • There's a back story with the meal replacements. I bought a LOT of them a couple of years ago and hate for them to go to waste. I also have a limited food budget and as we all know, healthy food costs more than unhealthy fast food. I am also afraid that when my sobriety month is over, the alcohol calories will totally send…
  • I LOVE my job, I wish I worked every day :) but for stress reduction reasons I don't. I average about 32 hours per fortnight (2weeks). Every single minute of my job I am on my feet and moving around. I work in a supermarket deli department with a very busy lunch rush so it's here there and everywhere. I HATE it when things…