Newbie food tracker.. Not eating enough!

Ms_Curly Posts: 20 Member
I've been trying to eat "healthy" for a few weeks now (one or two meal replacements per day, one filling but healthy meal such as Big big salad plus other veggies, diet colas, low cal snacks), but have only recently started tracking all my food calories/kilojoules per gram. I am also on an alcohol-free month. I am on a 1200calorie per day diet, but even so am having trouble reaching this on average per day often about 500 calories less than that. I feel full and have energy. Am not tracking any exercise yet.

I'm concerned about my body going into "starvation mode", but I honestly don't feel like eating any more. When I do, it's mostly late night snacks of falafels or cheese :(

I don't have any eating disorders, the only changes I have made are no junk food and no alcohol. Because I tend to binge on these. I don't miss the alcohol but it's only for this month.

ETA: I am 5'3" and weigh 72kg (158lb) and have hypothyroidism (lower metabolism)


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Forget the meal replacements, eat food.

    Forget the low cal snacks, eat full fat versions.

    Add some nuts, cheese, meat or fish to those salads.
  • Ms_Curly
    Ms_Curly Posts: 20 Member
    There's a back story with the meal replacements. I bought a LOT of them a couple of years ago and hate for them to go to waste. I also have a limited food budget and as we all know, healthy food costs more than unhealthy fast food.

    I am also afraid that when my sobriety month is over, the alcohol calories will totally send my energy intake over the top so I'm trying to get into a low cal eating habit... Does that make sense?
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    If you're afraid you can't stop after the one or two drinks you've budgeted yourself for a night out then you might have bigger problems then calorie goals. Extend your sobriety permanently if need be.

    Also, you're eating meal replacements that are several years old? Toss them and eat the loss. They weren't good for you to begin with and you don't like them and now they're probably even less beneficial. You're setting yourself up to fail.
  • gublercullen
    I tend not to worry about it too much (probably not the best advice I could offer, and I'll probably get slapped for saying it) I average around 500 to 900 calories a day, I'm not working out much just now because of a roller derby injury so I feel like I'm eating enough to sustain myself and lose weight. I'm also incredibly busy revising. My low intake of calories works for me and you can check out my diary if you would like to see what kind of food I live on. However, if you're exercising/working out, you really should aim for that 1000 - 1200 calories mark AT LEAST, you will probably find your energy starts to decrease otherwise.

    If I find I need to bulk up my calories a little, I eat hummus, avocados, full fat yogurt or sometimes treat myself to some chocolate or ice cream. Nuts and granola bars are also good if you find you aren't that hungry. If you do choose to snack of something like fruits - bananas for example, or have a cheeky candy bar or anything like that, keep an eye on your sugar intake.
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    as we all know, healthy food costs more than unhealthy fast food.

  • gublercullen
    as we all know, healthy food costs more than unhealthy fast food.


    Depends where you are I think...I'm in Scotland and definitely find that fresh fruit, veggies and meat are pretty expensive! But I'm a poor student haha...I buy frozen fruits and veg instead and buy my meat in bulk and freeze it :)
  • Ms_Curly
    Ms_Curly Posts: 20 Member
    If you're afraid you can't stop after the one or two drinks you've budgeted yourself for a night out then you might have bigger problems then calorie goals. Extend your sobriety permanently if need be.

    Also, you're eating meal replacements that are several years old? Toss them and eat the loss. They weren't good for you to begin with and you don't like them and now they're probably even less beneficial. You're setting yourself up to fail.

    I have a couple of "nights out" slated next month when I KNOW there will be more than a drink or two budgeted for. The difference is I won't be drinking during the week like I used to.

    The meal replacements aren't bad, they are very convenient and fill me up.
  • Ms_Curly
    Ms_Curly Posts: 20 Member
    as we all know, healthy food costs more than unhealthy fast food.


    In Australia, that tends to be the case. Constantly bombarded by cheaper and cheaper fast food "deals" whereas a bag of salad and a piece of good meat or fish costs a lot more.
  • vikkistarr89
    vikkistarr89 Posts: 122 Member
    If you're afraid you can't stop after the one or two drinks you've budgeted yourself for a night out then you might have bigger problems then calorie goals. Extend your sobriety permanently if need be.

    Also, you're eating meal replacements that are several years old? Toss them and eat the loss. They weren't good for you to begin with and you don't like them and now they're probably even less beneficial. You're setting yourself up to fail.

    I have a couple of "nights out" slated next month when I KNOW there will be more than a drink or two budgeted for. The difference is I won't be drinking during the week like I used to.

    The meal replacements aren't bad, they are very convenient and fill me up.

    Nah, i'm on your level, I will not skip my fun to stay in boring and sober haha!
    I would switch your meal replacement with healthy alternatives that can work out cheap, like oatmeal. Or what about protein shakes?

    When I know i'm going to drink i either drop my calorie deficit that day to fit in, or have a big workout before i go out, or make up the deficit before or after.

    Remember to log your alcohol calories, you are only cheating yourself otherwise! Also, you will plateau from drinking because of the amount of sugar it contains. I drink gin and slimline tonic where i can afford it. c
  • vikkistarr89
    vikkistarr89 Posts: 122 Member
    as we all know, healthy food costs more than unhealthy fast food.


    In Australia, that tends to be the case. Constantly bombarded by cheaper and cheaper fast food "deals" whereas a bag of salad and a piece of good meat or fish costs a lot more.

    And haha, FALSE, not in the UK it don't. The english have no excuse!
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    Forget the meal replacements, eat food.

    Forget the low cal snacks, eat full fat versions.

    Add some nuts, cheese, meat or fish to those salads.

    this pretty much and buy a food scale i bought one 2 month in and it helps so much wishing i did it right away.
    I do not trust meal replacements i lost 80 lbs on them before and when i started eating again i gained it all back and double in one year. Learn how to eat right and just manage portion sizes and you be successful on the long run
  • Ms_Curly
    Ms_Curly Posts: 20 Member
    I have scales! It's really slimline and so portable for eating out :) , really opened my eyes on just how much 100g for eg looks like. I love it.

    Vicki, I will definitely count the alcohol calories when I'm drinking again... This whole food diary thing has really opened my eyes to how much alcohol really contributes!

    Meal replacements, yeah was a bad investment seeing as I bought them all and then totally fell off the diet wagon and went from 65kg to 78kg due to external issues, they had just been sitting around but are still not past due date.

    My food diary is now public if you guys want to see what I'm eating.