

  • You are AWESOME! I just took at look at a day in your life... you're really funny too! :) Keep up the good work!!! You inspire me!
  • Great find - thanks for posting! It's will be a nice guideline for me to follow.
  • You don't even look remotely like the picture above! WOW - you not only lost the weight you look like you lost 20 years!!! AMAZING! Congratulations on your transformation!
  • When someone really loves you - they want the best for YOU (not them). Sounds like he's afraid of being left behind. Don't let that be your problem or an obstacle! Continue to forge ahead with or without him!
  • Allowing yourself to have free-time to read a magazine, take a bath or watch your favorite TV show (rather than hitting the books). Personally, I found that as I got healthier - the reward for me was having more energy, sleeping sounder, getting stronger and looking better! :) Best wishes to you!
  • WOW!!! Awesome! WAY TO GO!!!! :) I'm excited for you to accomplish this goal while you are still very young - now you know you have the power within you to achieve your dreams and goals throughout the rest of your life. What a powerful blessing to learn this now!
  • I agree with you. I believe that I am accountable to me and its not because someone else brought something in the house that I like or there are advertisements on TV that show fast food! Its free-will for me and my choice if I decide to indulge or not. :wink:
  • Thanks you guys for your input. :) Appreciate it.
  • Used the Bodybugg for a year (starting Thanksgiving day - 2010!). You should be able to get another strap from 24hr fitness - they were having some on sale - picked up a pink one for $7. I'm not a big fan of their website (no search capability) and that you have to hook up the device to the computer to upload the results.…
  • Love the 30-day shred! I did it last year for about 90 days. For me, it was the quickest work out for the highest results! I would do the shred in addition to walking/running on the treadmill until I reached 10,000 steps. You will get stronger! :) Recently, I restarted the shred - did it for about 3 weeks - but I get bored…