bnowell724 Member


  • Yeah I mostly want to add it to my routine in hopes that it will help my knee pain. I've found that I cannot run much at all outside of crossfit without causing pain for weeks. I was hoping it would add some significant calorie burn as well...
  • So I entered in the extra 90 minute walking and it only upped my TDEE by about 30... From 2150 to 2180.
  • That's all?? It's a pretty intense work out with lots of sweating, although that is due to the heat. It feels more like a strength training session than walking though. I've seen claims online that one session can burn up to 1000 calories although that sounds ridiculous. This article is about a study that claims it's…
  • Question: If I add one 90 minute session per week of Bikram Yoga to my exercise regimen, how do I reflect that on the Just My TDEE spreadsheet? Anyone know?
  • I've been trying that barefoot style while jogging and walking lately - it feels like I'm shuffling my feet. I'm not sure I'm doing it right. I looked at your pictures and I'll keep trying to work on my form. I really appreciate all of your input, Heybale's!
  • Thanks a lot, your description really helps me understand the barefoot forum better. I will check out that video. All of my shoes are misshapen and have a "rolled inward" look just like my feet. They look like they've been smashed to lean inward, if that makes sense? I just went for a jog last night, my third 20 min jog…
  • FYI my shoes are all mostly pretty flexible.
  • Yeah I've looked into the mid foot strike thing and I don't really understand how to do it. I've read about it and watched videos but I don't get it. When I've actually tried it I feel like I'm doing it wrong. It's the type of running where you sort of fall into your strides, right? Interesting note about not rolling as…
  • Since you guys are talking about feet, I have a question @Heybales -Do you know anything about flat feet? I have little to no arches and my ankles actually roll inward. I have always worn flat, loose fitting shoes because that is what feels best. As far as strength training /crossfit, anything I should know or be careful…
  • @heybales Yeah no this was the lemon water with maple syrup and cayenne diet, aka just starving yourself for a long as you can without dying. I've been on a cheesecake diet before, when I was pregnant.
  • As women I wonder how much our TDEE goes up during ovulation when our basal body temp increases?
  • Okay, interesting. I put the new activity numbers you provided into the spreadsheet, and it's giving me a lower TDEE: 2103. My daily intake goal has been 1968. That would make my current deficit closer to the 125 number you mentioned, which would equal 2 lbs of fat loss over two months. It's nice to see the numbers…
  • I've never had a problem with under eating, ha. My body goes into panic mode pretty quickly if I restrict too much. I once tried a lemonade cleanse diet and I felt like I was dying. I made it a whole week but I looked and felt terrible. Thanks for those numbers - I will go plug them into the spreadsheet. The CF warm up…
  • Thanks guys. This is some very good common sense advice. I've never taken my measurements but I guess I'll have to if I want to gauge fat loss more accurately. My clothes definitely fit better. I have a fitted pea coat that is less snug in the shoulders than it used to be. This is interesting because I'm naturally broad…
  • Also, my sleeping has normalized to between 7-8 hours. I don't get an empty hunger feeling at night on 1900 calories, but I do when I'm closer to 1800. Is that feeling a sign something is wrong? It may be something that fixes itself if I get all my macros right...
  • Can I please get some input? I have been tracking for about two months. I estimated my TDEE to be somewhere between 2000 and 2200. I started closer to 2000, then re-measured it with Heybales's spreadsheet and it was around 2200. At a 15% cut, my daily intake started around 1700-1800(the first few weeks), then with the…
  • Isn't increased appetite a good thing? A sign your metabolism is recovering?
  • Yeah, Heybale's spreadsheet is awesome.
  • Whatever you do, progression is the key!
  • You Are Your Own Gym uses progressive workout routinse, so if you follow the daily workouts you will see results - the author emphasizes progression in the amount of resistance for each workout, which is how you increase strength. I followed it for several weeks as a complete newbie to strength training and I did see…
  • Look up body weight exercises - they're very effective and you just use your own weight plus some common household items. I have used "You Are Your Own Gym" and liked it.
  • Got it, I feel much clearer about things now, thank you! ... After that last post about waking up, I ended up falling back asleep for two more hours, so I guess it was a false alarm. I'm not a wakeful sleeper so that was unusual for me. I guess I'll start to see lots of fluctuations in the way my body works with this new…
  • I upped my calories to around 1900 yesterday and I still woke up way early this morning, after only 6 hours of sleep! I'm not really hungry, just wide awake. This is so strange.
  • Go girl! I love the "cookie dough" idea.
  • Okay, wow! My fat is set at 30%, so around 64 grams. Is that too much? .35 grams per pound would be close to 40 grams. Thanks Heybales, you're so helpful!
  • My sleeping patterns have been disrupted due to hunger a few times now, and I've been hitting my macros pretty consistently. I will up my calorie intake to around 1900. But now what about my macro amounts? Do I keep them at 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat? That would put me at 145 grams of protein per day. Don't we only…
  • That's something I'm interested in: can someone at our weight/height eat at maintenence and build muscle, if they are at a relatively low weight but feel they have some fat to lose? Does it work like that?
  • Hi! Thanks for the input-it's helpful to hear from someone with a similar body type :) If you don't mind, I have a few questions: How many times a week did you do Crossfit? I have been going for a year but have not seen much progress until I started consistently going 3x/week for the last month and eating better. What…
  • OR for my weight /height /activity level, should I even be cutting? Should I just try for maintenence and attempt body recomp? Can I do that with crossfit 3x/week? Thanks for any help! And thanks for providing that comprehensive TDEE calculator Heybales!
  • Huh. I just checked my calorie daily averages on mfp, and for last week they were around 1850, the week before that 2000(tom), and the week before that they were around 1700. Interesting.