

  • I do the shred 4-5 times a week and also do alot of walking almost every day. I think rest days are important as it gives you a chance for your muscles to repair and heal... Also i find that if i have rest days, im more energetic doing the workouts especially as im a busy mum of two with a husband and a house to run lol.
  • I have been doing the 30ds on and off due to my section scar hurting but i have defo noticed some results. Also PP is right, ever since joining MFP i have been watching my calories and cutting down on junk food. Im willing to stick it again when my scar pain calms down but its definitely improved my strength and fitness…
  • You ladies are an inspiration as i had 2 babies in 2 years and my youngest is 3 months... i have noticed a difference in my stomach since doing 30 day shred on an off but still got a long way to go. Will try and get some pics together
  • Thanks hun, i dont restrict myself but i think looking at my diet i do eat alot of carbs (oooops) and i think i need to up my veg and fruit alot more apart from the handful of fruit or veg i snack on every day.
  • I try to go by what the mirror tells me and how my clothes fit but I take inches over lbs as sometimes people are built differently
  • Stalking this too as i had 2 c-sections in under 2 years and now i got 2 beautiful daughers but a saggy lower belly :-(
  • I didnt know you see the scales shift everyday? i weigh myself every 2 weeks as i get so discouraged if the scales dont budge (got baby fat to lose). I know i lost a few lbs as some of my pre-pregnancy clothes are less snug... also i dont wanna obsess bout my weight either lol