Need help with BMR/TDEE

Ok i know this has been said soooooo many times but getting frustrated with myself.

I had 2 babies in 2 years... my youngest is 3 months old. I am looking to lose 28lbs and from there see where im at size wise - im a very active person as i chase after my toddler, usually go out walking for 2 hours max most days permitting weather with my double pram and then do the 30 day shred in the evenings when both kids are asleep.

Since joining MFP, my weight has stalled and im not losing anything, i have done alot of research and heard the 30 day shred makes you lose inches not lbs... then i heard bout net calories, TDEE, BMR etc etc.

This is all confusing as some days i would burn bout 900 calories depending on what i have been doing... my cals each day are 1460 and sometimes i over eat and other days i undereat. I see that my friends on MFP are losing every week but im just stalling and i cant work out where im going wrong, am i eating too less? what is my TDEE? i have lost a few inches in bout 3 weeks instead of lbs so should i just focus on this?

My stats are:

Age: 27
Height: 5'4ft
Weight: 178lbs


  • bonniecode
    bonniecode Posts: 2
    Hey hunny! I was doing the same thing. At first I had my calories at 1200/day and realized that I needed more. My BMR is almost 1500 calories a day and most days I burn at least 500 calories from working out (not to mention the normal moving around I do just living every day life!) so I needed to up my calories!

    I now do the same as you, 1470 calories a day is my limit and I noticed that since I've been eating more, I can get through my workouts easier and I'm still losing. I was stalled for a while but this seems to be helping.

    Try to add in some more veggies, fruits or even a handful of nuts. They are high calorie but so good for you!

    But also I want to say that if you are losing inches, that's good! I try not to focus so much on what the scale says, but more about how my clothes are fitting. I did 30DS before too and didn't notice a difference in weight but it's definitely great to shape and tone your body!

    You're not big at all -- bigger people tend to lose alot of weight more quickly. I'm 5'7 and 155lbs and notice that I get maybe a 1 pound a week loss. Not as high as I'd like but still within the healthy range. It'll take me longer to lose the 15lbs I want to lose, but I'd rather do it in a healthy way by eating enough and working out, vs not eating enough and starving myself!

    I think you are doing all the right things! Keep it up :)
  • yummy_mummy85
    Thanks hun, i dont restrict myself but i think looking at my diet i do eat alot of carbs (oooops) and i think i need to up my veg and fruit alot more apart from the handful of fruit or veg i snack on every day.