

  • Newbie here. . . What are "planks?" Thanx. LF
  • I am new here, too -- although I've been trying to make *lifestyle changes* -- going to a gym to workout, sometimes w/ a trainer; having a gym buddy; eating less processed foods & definitely, more fruits & veggies; attending classes w/ a diabetes nutritionist. What I find so helpful about logging my food & exercise on this…
  • I am not a runner, but I have had such a flare-up in the past. What helped me were: massages & arch supports for my high arches. Took awhile, but thank goodness -- it worked! GOOD LUCK!
  • I felt that way, too. Of course, I'm older -- so I'm *invisible* to most folks anyway. LOL I just decided that I needed to do this for me & everyone is "doing their own thing" while at the gym, so I go. I'm uncoordinated; have terrible balance; am working on core strengthening & cardio & laughing at & with myself along the…
  • Now that's funny. . . doing or not doing what animals do. :laugh: I was raised drinking skim milk - now called fat free. Others tend to be too *rich* for my tastes. Altho, an occasional glass of egg nog. . . sinful. LF
    in Milk Comment by LittleFish79 April 2013
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