FAT, exhausted, and sad...

i can NOT stay motivated!!! years of feeling this way, never feeling pretty, not prom, not my wedding day, NEVER! i have such a beautiful family, so many blessings and things to be thankful for and want to live for but my lack of motivation always kicks my fat butt! has anyone felt this way before starting a weight loss journey that worked? when had you finally had enough!!? i need help, motivation, and even with what to eat, or what diet to go on... some people say "dont call it a diet, you'll give up!" well.... what is it then? my husband and i are going on a mini vacation in august, i'd LOVE to finally feel confident enough to wear something i feel cute in and not feel like i'm embarrasing him with my weight (he denies that i do, but whatever!) i'm not looking for a pity party, i'm looking for real help, real motivation, maybe a group to keep me in check? trying to do this alone has just got me depressed and mad at myself!

my first goal is to lose 40 lbs*
over all goal is 80


  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Stick around. The folks here will try to keep you motivated whether you like it or not. :smile:
  • :) thanks! i sure hope so, i need someone to kick my butt!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    One must replace temporary motivation with a relatively permanent habit.
  • HudaSaman
    HudaSaman Posts: 46
    I think this is a good place to stay motivated.. try to enter your daily food it helps you .. and anytime you need motivation just write here :) ..

    I can now tell you that being sad won't help you, stand in front of the mirror and say " I CAN DO IT " smile and repeat it loudly to your self and you will feel it.. try to enjoy your journey in losing weight .. it will be tough in the beginning but then you will find it easier, stay STRONG :) I wish you the best ..
  • Getting started is ALWAYS the hardest part. You might not have much motivation now, but FORCE yourself off the couch to take a walk a couple times a day, or jog, or something active that isn't high pressure to start, once you start losing weight and feel better you will have more motivation guaranteed. And it wont feel like a chore anymore because you'll want to feel good. Cut calories little by little. Sometimes the amount MFP switches you to can be overwhelming and in reality making small changes in the beginning will help make big differences.
  • Thank you SO much :) i'm feeling more positive already!!
  • Congratulations, you just made the first step to weight loss!
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    If all these people on this site can do it, so can you!
    Remember that you're awesome no matter what state you're in and etc.
    Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • i cant believe all of the kind, supportive people already!! thank you all so so much, you have no idea how much better i feel about this already! you all are wonderful! thanks again! IM GONNA DO IT THIS TIME!!
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    It's a tough process... especially when you have a family to take care of! I'm a stay at home mom also, and there have been so many times (like the 1 year slump I've been in) that I've felt like totally giving up... have even gained back 15 after losing 45 lbs, but it's the great people I've met on here that make me keep coming back and not giving up! Sending you a request!
  • I am new here, too -- although I've been trying to make *lifestyle changes* -- going to a gym to workout, sometimes w/ a trainer; having a gym buddy; eating less processed foods & definitely, more fruits & veggies; attending classes w/ a diabetes nutritionist. What I find so helpful about logging my food & exercise on this site is that it forces me to "be honest" w/ myself. Then I see where I am headed, the "bumps" in the road & the ways in which I can improve.

    No more sneaking sweets or cookies. If I eat it -- I log it in black & white. Then, I can consider actions to take to do better OVERALL. Hang in there! We didn't put on our weight overnight; only healthy lifestyle choices will help us to lose the weight, feel better & keep it off. IMHO :smile:
  • mjgo56
    mjgo56 Posts: 93 Member
    I have the same ultimate goal to lose 80 lbs. I am going to be 57 next week and I have 2 grandchildren and one more on the way. I am currently healthy and I want to stay that way. I have been reading a real good book called The Amen Solution and one of the best pieces of advice I got out of only reading 4 chapters is to set DAILY goals. One of my daily goals is to simply log into MFP. I was depressed with a gain of 6 lbs after allegedly "dieting" for 10 weeks when I decided to write these goals. In one week I have lost 5 of those lbs simply by being true to the log, Try not to use the extra calorie allowance you get from exercising (unless you had a special occasion that day to bank some calories for). At the end of the day, a pop up gives me further encouragement by telling me where I will be in 5 weeks if I keep it up, so I have a 2nd goal. My 3rd goal is to do SOME exercise (at least 15 minutes) each day. Drink green tea! Try to drink 1/2 your weight in water (ounces). Don't eat fruit with any meal...20 to 30 minutes prior OR 1-2 hours after. I have read studies on that and it actually DOES help with digestion and elimination. Diet sodas are bad for your waist and try to use Stevia as a sweetener if you need some...not Splenda or Equal or any of those artificial sweeteners. Good luck!
  • jcramer1227
    jcramer1227 Posts: 85 Member
    Another poster said it. MAKE yourself get up and do something. I had the same problem when I started, but I knew I wanted to take it slow. I didn't change my diet at first, I would just DO something. Go for a walk, dust the cobwebs off my elliptical and start moving, clean the house, do the dishes, WHATEVER :) It becomes easier to make yourself get up and move...and sooner or later, you WANT to. That was the best part. Now that I'm pretty solid with my workouts, I'm starting to change up my diet. I've done tons of research, and the posters here are quite helpful!! My piece of advice: just take it slow. If you try to move too fast, the urge to give up may be stronger. That's what worked for me. Good luck!!!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Tracking calories helps a lot. Even if you don't jump into some type of exercise right away, being aware of what you're actually eating is an amazing and surprising thing.
  • PrimalSiren
    PrimalSiren Posts: 144
    i can NOT stay motivated!!! years of feeling this way, never feeling pretty, not prom, not my wedding day, NEVER! i have such a beautiful family, so many blessings and things to be thankful for and want to live for but my lack of motivation always kicks my fat butt! has anyone felt this way before starting a weight loss journey that worked? when had you finally had enough!!? i need help, motivation, and even with what to eat, or what diet to go on... some people say "dont call it a diet, you'll give up!" well.... what is it then? my husband and i are going on a mini vacation in august, i'd LOVE to finally feel confident enough to wear something i feel cute in and not feel like i'm embarrasing him with my weight (he denies that i do, but whatever!) i'm not looking for a pity party, i'm looking for real help, real motivation, maybe a group to keep me in check? trying to do this alone has just got me depressed and mad at myself!

    my first goal is to lose 40 lbs*
    over all goal is 80

    Yep, this was me about a year and a half ago. I tried just about anything and everything to lose weight and one day I decided to give up and just stop eating, because eating is what made me fat right? Luckily that same day I came across a post talking about the paleo diet. It was suggested to me as an elimination diet to see if it was triggering some other issues I had. Anyway, I decided to give it a try. It seemed SO extreme and so hard, but I didn't care, I hated myself and I was desperate. I was referred to marksdailyapple.com and the rest was history. I started following the primal lifestyle that day and have never looked back, not even once. I lost all of my weight effortlessly and now here I am maintaining and getting into the fit side of life rather than just the thin side :P It was hard at first to stay away from gluten and other grains, but now I don't even miss them and when I do allow myself to eat them I'm quickly reminded why they're not worth it. I lost so much weight in the first week alone that I was hooked.

    For the longest time I would use excuse after excuse as to why I wasn't making any changes in my lifestyle and diet. It was too hard to feed the kids that food, my husband didn't like to eat the way I did, it was too expensive, it was too time consuming. I made daily goals and never reached them, I did all of the "motivational" crap that most people suggest. I guess that stuff works for some people, but it was just another way to let myself down when I failed. Finally I had a breakdown and basically stopped blaming everyone and everything else for MY problem. It took a lot of courage for me to admit that I was the one with the problem and it was 100% my fault. I had spent years trying to lose weight and the only time I actually became successful was when I got mad. Anger was a huge motivator for me. It's not just a lifestyle change, its a diet change. Who cares about what the word means to other people. The only part you need to focus on is the CHANGE.

    I don't mean to sound harsh or rude, but sometimes you need to kick your own *kitten* to get it into shape :P I hope you find within yourself the motivation you need to reach your goals.
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    There are a few things I find helpful when I feel fat and unmotivated. Which can happen to anyone. I imagine everyone on here has had moments of doubt and felt unmotivated.

    First, I try to focus on what I can do TODAY. I don't think about the forty pounds I want to lose, or the workouts in the coming weeks. I try to measure success in 24 hour increments. Eating healthy for the rest of my life is overwhelming. But today I did pretty good. Eventually the days add up and before you know it, life is different.

    I also check my negative self talk. I pretend I am my own best friend. I haven't lost weight in a while, but I haven't gained either. I forgive myself for the past. I was doing the best I could at the time. Today, I can do better. I am not a bad person because I am overweight.

    For me, this is much more motivating than beating myself up. I eat healthy and exercise because I deserve it, not to punish myself. This keeps me motivated much more than hating myself.
  • fantasticelastic
    fantasticelastic Posts: 52 Member
    Good on you , you are a young woman with a young child..now is the perfect time to get in shape. It means that you get to enjoy your 20's & 30's..get to go on lovely summer holls with you child and be happy to play in the pool with them. It makes such a difference to feel positive about youself. You no longer feel fed up, a failure in life, taking your frustration out on your family.

    What has worked for me is not counting calories but counting carbs. The Atkins book is well worth a read, even if you dont do the extreme version of it. I have found that my energy levels are way up and my form is much better.

    Good woman keep at it, you dont want to waste the next 20 years feeling fat and self consious ;)
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    Logging can be scary at first, especially if you go over, but stick with it. I've been trying to lose the stone i put on over winter all this year, but failed miserably. I joined this site and started logging food and exercise and was so ashamed of the amount of calories i was consuming a day; in my head i didn't think it was much, but once i had actually calculated it and put it on paper, it was terrifying. So, i stuck with it, made sure i was eating within my goals and i've lost four pounds in a couple of weeks, which is more than i have all year, and the best bit is it's staying off! I couldn't have done it without the logging, and also without the support of people on this site; just reading the news feed on my profile, seeing how well people are doing, hearing everyone's words of encouragement has kept me going and stick to this path. Good luck!
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Start thinking of your new life---weight loss is an attainable goal, but it definitely is a long road...and it does not end. I would suggest just making small changes: drink more water, move more, explore healthier food options, etc. Small changes over time make a huge difference. I realize that you'll also have to break a lot of habits that will not help with your success. Just go day to day or even go meal to meal. This is a life change and it cannot be something you commit to occasionally. Also, get in the mode of checking in on MFP, there is a lot of great support here! Best of luck to you :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Been there, done that. I know logging is the key for me. Just logging my food and water was a start. And reading blogs and success stories here helps everyday.

    It is a journey for me. Adding the healthy habit of watching what I eat is pretty firm now. I am adding more activtiy every day by walking,walking, walking and 10 to 20 minutes of yoga/ barre3 daily. If you just start with the bare minimum of activity it helps. my plan called for 20 minutes of walking daily, and standing up for a total of one hour. So I set a reminder on my Microsoft Outlook at work to stand up for 10 minutes every hour.

    It sounds silly, but small changes add up to 1) big weight losses over 4 months and 2) habits that add to a healthy lifestyle.

    I am 54 years old and am 5'8' and weigh 128 pounds most days save a pound up or down with normal fluctuations. If I can do it, anyone can (I am blond)