zaybedowop Member


  • happybunny...i'm not recovering from an eating disorder but i just wanted to say hello and welcome. :)
  • Hello everyone. :) I'm here like most which is to lose weight but more importantly to live a healthier lifestyle. I'm pretty motivated to keep up with exercise and actually need it to feel normal. :) I like to call it "sweating out my meanness." So, exercising is not the hard part for me. The hard part is portion control…
  • applepie: I would disagree about adding leg weights. Most fitness folks would advise against this because it can lead to injuries. Plus, holding up your own body weight is sufficient enough when walking. :)
  • there's nothing wrong with treadmill running and it is easier on my hips and knees too but it's more of a training tool for when trying to prepare for a run. the road is the best way to go when preparing for a run. i wish you luck! :) also...i over-pronate and was told this by a podiatrist. I got my feet molded to make…
  • There's no rule stating you have to run a 5K straight. Lots of people walk/jog their way through a 5K. Have fun with it and enjoy yourself. Yay! Your first 5K! :)
  • Well, I think you answered your own question in knowing that you are at a 75 percentile when walking outside compared to the 55-65% of doing the dvd inside. I think having both options at your disposal are great. I don't know how many times out of the week you are doing cardio but let's say you are doing five days out of…
  • I would say it's a waste of money because it's supposedly a quick fix for weight loss. I think you'll do just fine with eating healthy, portion control, and exercise. Good luck! :)
  • As other suggested a good fitting shoe does wonders. I used to get blisters on my arches too. I also found out from a podiatrist that I over-pronate (when my feet hit the pavement they roll inward) when I walk/run. I had to get inserts made for my feet and that took care of that problem and also the pain that I was…
  • I think weight training and cardio are equally beneficial to become fit and healthy. Cardio doesn't only burn calories. It gets the blood moving, delivers oxygen, makes the heart stronger, etc.
  • I wouldn't recommed buying the ab lounger. A very effective crunch is the bicycle crunch. You can find a site online that will show you how to do them properly. Also owning a large exercise ball really allows you to work your core. The ab lounger is gimmicky and won't give you the results that you are looking for, but hey…
  • It depends on what your goals are really. A good way to figure out how many times a week you should exercise is: 3 times a week to maintain 5 times a week to improve 30 minutes is a good time to try for and when you start to progress then shooting for 60 minutes for your max.
  • I think whether if you eat or do not eat before exercise is a personal preference. There are some out there who believe in working out on an empty stomach and there are people who will advise to eat. I like to compare us to cars and all cars need fuel in order to go. It's hard to make the car go when it is on empty. I…