

  • Yeah, I've used this before. Works well for what it's supposed to do. However, it discourages eating, and sometimes I had a hard time getting my bare minimum calories and that I just don't like. Made me sweat more and gave plenty of energy which I enjoyed. Just make sure you aren't being unhealthy with it, these pills are…
  • Make sure you are weighing in at the same time, and as unpleasant as it may seem keep track of bowel movements/urination so you know it's not either of those factors. I weigh in every morning at the same time, fasted. Also your weight will fluctuate every now and then, and that's fine. However, if neither of those things…
  • The butt is going to go, and it will probably start going somewhere in that 100 lbs, but no guarantees because I don't know your bf%. If you get your body fat % low enough, any fat will fall off :)
  • I'm no expert on dieting or anything but how long have you been with your macros that low? Also, what the heck can you eat to even not go over those? Anyways, if you been on a plateau, something I would try is a refeed day. This basically just means spike your carbs up to about 200 one day, and that should help you get…