The slower you lose it the longer youll keep it off
Thank you everyone, I will be cutting down majorly, personally I think a lot of my weight gain is through drinking coke! I'll start to limit it. Thank you for everything, everyone advice has been brilliant
Hey, He has thyroid problems due to his weight, he would like to be slightly bigger but I think he's overall happy with his shape. I will :) Thanks
Thank you, it's very true what you say. I think I will just focus on being healthier, I am just over my bmi but my doctor says I'm a healthy weight and not rely on bmi as it doesnt take in to account of your muscle etc :)
I understand where your coming from but this isnt the case with me but thank you XD xx
My wake up call was that I went from 9 stone to a 11 and half, it broke me up completely and my partner doesn't even know how much I weigh. Thank you so much:)
His weight makes me feel insecure but thats not his problem! He has never put me down, he always tries to make me feel happy, so he is not the fault here, I am! :)
Thank you guys, I never said that she couldnt sing but I just didnt think she was good enough to try out on bgt as they are fantastic but I probably will just let her follow her dream and if shes happy doing that then its good :)
Nope, my sister has her own youtube, I dont sing! :)
.... Not helpful what so ever
You are far from ugly, you are beautiful and if he can't see that it's his own fault. Seriously it's probably good to see someone and tell them how you feel so the decision to see a phychologist is brilliant! This man who sounds like an immature boy, is using you and controlling you, he wants you to feel like rubbish so…