

  • http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ This is a good site to figure out your BMR and calorie needs based on the Harris Benedict Equation. And yes, net calories means the amount you have eaten after deducting exercise. If your goal is 1300 calories and you burn 500 exercising, you would eat 1800 that day to net 1300.
  • It is hard to be completely accurate, but I would say you are still eating too few calories. I am currently 145 and my "maintenance" calories, without the gym, would be right around 1850-1950 daily. If we assume yours is the same (It's probably not, and you should calculate this using the tools on this site, or googling…
  • I agree that what you are putting into your body is VERY important, but I don't beleive that my body would look as good without exercise/weight training, as it does with these habits. I am, and always have been, a very healthy eater. While I do indulge on occasion, it isn't enough to make me gain large amounts of weight or…
  • This is what I do also! I can't eat lean cuisine, soup, or sandwiches daily. I always make healthy, nutritious, food for dinner, and I make enough so that my husband and I will both have lunch the next day. Everyone in my office talks about how I am always eating such delicious smelling/looking food. Beats the take-out or…
  • Slow roasted pork with rice and black beans actually sounds pretty nutritional to me! If you use a lean cut of pork, and brown rice, this sounds like a great healthy dinner!
  • I am so glad that you are all in the same boat as I am! It helps to sometimes take your mind off of the number and focus on how you feel and look. Some days stepping on the scale can be pretty discouraging, but the tape measure doesn't lie! :o)
  • That's Awesome! I hate how sizes vary so much. I just want to be comfortable with what I see when I look in the mirror. :o)
  • I think you look great! Your tummy looks flat to me. Is it the "hourglass" you are looking for, or definition of muscles on your stomach? Personally, I only have the hourglass when I weigh more. Once I am in shape, I don't have a shape. Total boyish frame. Great job & I agree with everyone, don't be so hard on yourself!
  • For me a healthy diet has always been "normal". There are no foods that I consider "off limits", but I also don't eat certain foods (fast food, fried food, dessert, etc.) often. When I do reach my goal, I will adjust my calories to a level that will allow me to maintain my weight while continuing to work out.
  • Too much of anything is bad. Too little carbs is no way to live your life. It's not at all realistic. Low carb/ no carb diets annoy me, probably because carbs are my favorite. I would much rather lose the weight slowly while still enjoying what I eat. :)
  • Of course a huge portion of weight loss is eating right, but I like to live by the saying "weight loss makes you look good in your clothes, exercise makes you look good naked." The body I want cannot be achieved by limiting my food intake alone. For me, exercise is the most important part of the equation.
  • My husband saw a girl working out in heels... yeah... heels. That is annoying. SO many girls "work out" at my gym in full on make-up, hair, push-up bra, jewelry, etc. One girl even wears fake eyelashes while she "works out".
  • When in doubt eat MORE, but make sure you are eating the right kinds of calories. Not all calories are created equal. I know women who eat 1200 - 1300 calories a day from fast food, pre packaged meals, etc. and they are overweight, Other women I know eat 2000 calories a day from fresh fruit, veggies, lean protein, whole…