Exercise is great, but it's all about the food!!



  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I 110% agree with this ... 110%

    If I were to % it, it's probably 35% Exersise 65% diet (weightloss)
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    For me, it's 98% knowing I can,2% diet, and 2% exercise (:

    because you like to give 102%, it's a little better than 100%...



    OMG I spat out my water
  • I agree that what you are putting into your body is VERY important, but I don't beleive that my body would look as good without exercise/weight training, as it does with these habits.

    I am, and always have been, a very healthy eater. While I do indulge on occasion, it isn't enough to make me gain large amounts of weight or sabotage any fitness plan I am following. I eat nutritious food in healthy portions. For me, exercise is much more important than any diet modification I could make.

    I do agree however, that for most people who have not had healthy eating habits in the past, the hardest change can be to adjust their diet. That said, I know many thin and flabby women who carefully restrict every bit of food that enters their body. I can't, and don't want to do that. I feel better, and feel like I look better, toned with a little more meat on my body.

    A favorite saying of mine, which I am pretty sure I have posted before, is "losing weight makes you look good in clothes, exercise makes you look good naked".
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have been eating Paleo/Primal for about two years now. I got rid of all my chronic joint pain and inflammation in my body and I feel stronger and better than ever. Even at almost 300 pounds I can exercise for an hour or so and not be tired afterwards. Weight lifting is a big part of my exercise plan to tone and build lean body mass. I eat fresh veggies and mostly lean proteins since I am allergic to beef. I avoid most grain and have starches about 2 times a week. It's the best thing I have found for my body. Found it when i was researching my food allergies (wheat, soy, beef and many others) and decided to try it. I am not perfect but this is life not a short term fad for me.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    What I've always been told is:

    To lose weight - you have to control your diet

    To get a better health - you have to exercise

    But why not have the best of both - after all they are great synergies.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    sadly, it is true... i wish i could just work out like crazy and eat what i wanted, but all that happens, is the plateau unless i'm eating right.
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89
    thank you ALL for your advice.

    I weighed in yesterday and gained 6lbs. Six pounds from my starting weight on May 1st. Yep- working out like a fiend obviously doesn't work.

    Despite all the sweat I put out at the gym for 90 minutes 5 days a week- nothing is going to be as hard at understanding the "right" way to eat.

    Thanks for confirming this for me. Yesterday I left the gym (early- I wasn't doing any good on the elliptical crying like a baby embarrassing myself) desperate to find out what is "wrong" with me.

    I started searching MFP when I got home yesterday and now I'm working on imprinting into my head the 80% 20% rule. I had no clue...none what so ever... that the diet was going to be so important.

    I really thought that because of my exercise routine I could "afford" ice cream after dinner each night, I could "afford" to drink a Corona a day, I could "afford" to have my cake and eat it too--- so to speak.

    Guess not. Here's to clean eating and now officially realizing this will be the hardest thing I EVER do in my lifetime. Keep your fingers crossed!!
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    Time Magazine had a good article about this is 2009, "Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin."


    After I read it, my thought was, "No duh--calories in, calories out."

    Very interesting article!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    IT IS ABOUT THE FOOD...with a few exceptions. Swimmers (like Michael Phelps) burn so many calories swimming that they can eat whatever they want. In fact Phelps has a diet regimen of 12,000 calories a day.

    My son has swam competitively since the age of 5 (he swims in college now). He has never had body fat. He eats what he wants. At the same time other swimmers have had more body fat. I'm its partly from genetics as well.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    BigCed- unfortunately these athletes like Phelps that keep the weight off by extreme training, almost always end up with type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis due to carb loading while they are training and eating whatever they want. Weight isn't the only factor of health. They are keeping the fat off from sheer calorie burn but the insulin their bodies are pumping out to deal with the excess carbs and fat causes heart and liver damage and insulin resistance in the long run. So what type of food you eat can make a difference to health even for athletes like Phelps.
  • trk24
    trk24 Posts: 18 Member
    Good topic. Maybe this is what I need. I have been logging and logging and logging calories plus working my tail off and I haven't lost anything according to my scale. I have got to figure out this or I am afraid all my workouts will be for nothing. I wish I had a little fairy to tell me what to eat everyday...but then I still need to figure out how to build willpower and not give in to temptations.

    What is that quote??? 'You can't work off a bad diet'??? May be just what I needed to hear...

    Discouraged in Missouri....
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    You can't WORKOUT a bad diet. :-) 100% agree!

    I love it!! Soooooo true!! And don't I know it!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    What I've always been told is:

    To lose weight - you have to control your diet

    To get a better health - you have to exercise

    But why not have the best of both - after all they are great synergies.

    LOVE IT!! So true! Thanks for all the reminders on this thread. I will keep exercising because I know it has many benefits but I have to work harder on the diet for sure. Success is never giving up!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good topic. Maybe this is what I need. I have been logging and logging and logging calories plus working my tail off and I haven't lost anything according to my scale. I have got to figure out this or I am afraid all my workouts will be for nothing. I wish I had a little fairy to tell me what to eat everyday...but then I still need to figure out how to build willpower and not give in to temptations.

    What is that quote??? 'You can't work off a bad diet'??? May be just what I needed to hear...

    Discouraged in Missouri....

    Success is never giving up Discouraged in Missouri!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    Exercise + Healthy Eating = Lean Body

    And you feel great too!! :bigsmile:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    There's something here that's getting a bit blurred...

    Why are we trying to lose weight? For what reason?

    Im gonna take a wild shot in the dark here, and speak for the majority. It's to lose the excess fat and look better. A better shape. Health benefits? Sure, that's nice, but atm looks are why we are doing this.

    The nearer you get to your goal weight, the harder it becomes. My diet in terms of what i eat is pretty bad, but the simple fact is i just dont like, and cant stomach, the things i "should" be eating! So, im just keeping it simply, calories in<out, having smaller bits of the same stuff, and just being more aware, along with a lot more exercise. It's doing fine for me atm. I know however, that if i ever want to get "ripped" etc, i know i probably cant, as i cant eat what is needed to get like that.

    It's the reason not everyone is super fit and toned...it takes a lot of work, dedication, attention to detail, and a total lifestyle change to get and keep that kind of body. Most of us simply dont/wont/cant do that, and simply want to lose the horrible looking fat we have.