The new "normal"

Reading through the forums, I've noticed that sometimes members mention a return to "normal" eating once goals are reached. I was wondering how others were thinking about the future after they reach their goals. Myself, as I adjust to eating less, I'm beginning to notice when I'm really full instead of plowing through food until I feel way beyond comfortable. I guess I found the references to eating differently once the weight is gone kind of jarring. I've been thinking that this is how it will be until my metabolism slows further with age and I have to cut back even more.

Should I be planning to raise my calories once I reach the goal I've set? Do you plan to increase yours? Do you like how you're eating now (if you're still losing or have reached your goal)? Are you hungry and craving at the end of the day? Do you see yourself eating exactly as you are today for the rest of your life? Any other thoughts? I guess I'm just curious how others are looking to the future...


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    If I went back to the way I ate before MFP, I'd be overweight again. Not going to happen! When I had about 12 pounds left until goal, I upped my calories to lose 0.5 pounds/week. Mainly to break out of a plateau but also to get ready for maintenance calories because at some point I will not want to lose anymore (not there yet, lol). I am only eating 250 calories/day less than maintenance, so it won't be a huge leap. I have learned so much about portion sizes since being on MFP. I will still log food while I find my maintenance groove but am hoping to one day ween myself off of MFP, just logging if I feel the weight creeping on again to keep myself in check.

    So I see the future as a new normal, not my old ways.
  • It might depend on why someone has decided to lose weight.

    I'm here because I gained almost 10 pounds in June. Depression made me spend most of my days in bed, getting up only for some starchy meal. Because I need to be able to fit into my clothes again without frightening small children, I've been trying to take the weight off. Mostly this has involved more and consistent exercise. Also, I had never paid attention to how much starch I was eating, and though I have been a vegetarian for almost 30 years I am thinking of introducing fish into my diet. I'm not going back to eating the way I did before, because I now recognize I was skinny fat; I'd rather be fit. However, I can see how someone who gained a lot of weight in a short interval (e.g., from pregnancy) might be able to return to pre-weight-gain eating.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Well since you are most likely eating at a caloric deficit in order to lose weight (calories in < calories out), once you've reached your goal, it's a good idea is to get back up to a maintenance level of calories (calories in = calories out). So once I reach my goal, I will ease up to consuming my maintenance level which is 500 calories more per day than I am consuming now.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I tend to think that if someone says they will go back to eating 'normal' after they've lost the weight, they're going to put the weight back on.

    To me, normal is my new way of life. It's normal for me to eat proper portion sizes and wholesome foods. I don't get terrible cravings that I can't manage (by either giving in a little or getting past them), I don't beat myself up for 'bad' days, I don't restrict myself from any one thing or type of food or drink - I'm learning moderation and the value of a special treat. Normal is taking good care of myself so I can *be* normal for the rest of my life.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Personally, I'll be doing a complete 180 once I hit my weight goal and start gaining weight :P

    Hopefully not much; the idea is that I want to pack on lean muscle mass, not fat!

    I think that, as long as I maintain my BF%, even if I gain weight, I'll be happy!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Personally, I'll be doing a complete 180 once I hit my weight goal and start gaining weight :P

    Hopefully not much; the idea is that I want to pack on lean muscle mass, not fat!

    I think that, as long as I maintain my BF%, even if I gain weight, I'll be happy!

    Lol love how you put that! And its totally accurate and a great idea.

    When I hit my goal it will be a "new normal" for me because I have learned healthier eating, Ive expanded to new and better foods and I dont crave some of the crap I ate before (still have a soft spot for some "junk" but it is a lifestyle not a diet) I simply make better choices without thinking about it now. I will slowly increase my calories to maitenance honestly though once I hit my goal as long as Im not popping out of my jeans Im not going to be super strict on myself but I probably will have to track or atleast weigh in religiously, for the rest of my life
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    Well I tell you, this is my "normal". You can see my journey below in my siggy and if it's taught me anything it's that it's a lifestyle change.

    My preferred lifestyle - eat less during the week so I can eat more on the weekend. It worked for me to maintain my loss for 6 months until I started questioning it and eating more durning the week because I thought I "should". SO what happened? You guessed it I gained back 10lbs. So to lose that I'm eating less during the week and more on the weekends on a smaller scale and then I'll go back to what was working for those 6 months.
  • For me a healthy diet has always been "normal". There are no foods that I consider "off limits", but I also don't eat certain foods (fast food, fried food, dessert, etc.) often. When I do reach my goal, I will adjust my calories to a level that will allow me to maintain my weight while continuing to work out.