Under Calories? No Weightloss!? Here's why!

What’s the Answer?

At the end of the day, your consumption of carbohydrates, whether in the form of grains (including whole grains) and sugars (especially fructose), will determine whether or not you’re able to manage your weight and maintain optimal health.

Click Link below for full Blog!


  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    I eat how you suggest, 5 meals a day and eat no processed foods, and cook all my food myself (I don't eat out at all) I've lost 53 lbs in 4 months and feel fantastic. I eat no grains except for brown rice, but that was coincidental not on purpose, limiting myself to whole wheat pasta about once a month as a treat. This weekend i had an Eat Whatever You Want weekend and ate all the crap i used to eat and consequently felt like crap. I can tell everyone that eating this way makes a huge difference in how you feel. I love it.
  • bump
  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    I see 'bump' all the time on here. Excuse my dumbness, but what does that mean? lol
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Thanks for the tip!
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    I see 'bump' all the time on here. Excuse my dumbness, but what does that mean? lol

    If you reply on a post, it keeps it in your "My Topics" for reference. Saying "Bump" means you really don'y have a reply, but you want to keep this post for later. :)
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    . I eat no grains except for brown rice, but that was coincidental not on purpose, limiting myself to whole wheat pasta about once a month as a treat.

    Sorry, I lied. I have oatmeal for breakfast every day. Duh.
  • takm0527
    takm0527 Posts: 52 Member
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    I eat how you suggest, 5 meals a day and eat no processed foods, and cook all my food myself (I don't eat out at all) I've lost 53 lbs in 4 months and feel fantastic. I eat no grains except for brown rice, but that was coincidental not on purpose, limiting myself to whole wheat pasta about once a month as a treat. This weekend i had an Eat Whatever You Want weekend and ate all the crap i used to eat and consequently felt like crap. I can tell everyone that eating this way makes a huge difference in how you feel. I love it.

    That's what's up! This is motivating me. A lot of my friends on MFP wonder way I never get past the logged on 5 days mark. Its because I fell into a rhytms of bad eating on the weekend without any excercise... No good. I'm changing up to include everyday!
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I'd really appreciate if you added some research to back up your points rather than simply state something as fact? I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just impossible for me to take what someone says at face value.

    Now in no way am I trying to contradict you with just one person's data, but: I eat a lot of wholegrain AND white rice, wholewheat and white bread, wholewheat and white pasta and lots of sugary fruit and the occasional non-fruit-based sweet. And cereal in the morning. My carbohydrates are probably naturally quite high, and I make no effort to control them. I have lost 45 lbs so far by restricting calories, not carbohydrates. But I'm just one person and I may be a freak of nature, I am aware that one person does not constitute proof of anything.

    I can't take what you say without some kind of medical research cited that I can read and form my own opinion about.

    This is quite a heated topic of debate in general. I can't go with what everyone says without evidence or I'd hold a lot of contradictory thoughts!
  • I'd really appreciate if you added some research to back up your points rather than simply state something as fact? I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just impossible for me to take what someone says at face value.

    Now in no way am I trying to contradict you with just one person's data, but: I eat a lot of wholegrain AND white rice, wholewheat and white bread, wholewheat and white pasta and lots of sugary fruit and the occasional non-fruit-based sweet. And cereal in the morning. My carbohydrates are probably naturally quite high, and I make no effort to control them. I have lost 45 lbs so far by restricting calories, not carbohydrates. But I'm just one person and I may be a freak of nature, I am aware that one person does not constitute proof of anything.

    I still eat refined carbs, I eat fruit, I eat out in restaurants, and I eat processed foods. In an ideal world everyone could eat at home from food raised out back, but that's not the real world. In the real world, I have friends, we go out to eat, and I make the best choice I can based on what's available.

    I don't like the implication that I can't be that committed to my health because I am not constantly slaving over a meal for myself. I've lost 80 pounds being careful enough of what I eat to ensure that I'm (a) losing weight and (b) feeding my body healthy, nutrient-rich food as much as possible.

    And the whole blog post ends in an ad for the book the member wrote! Not impressed.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    My carbohydrates are probably naturally quite high, and I make no effort to control them. I have lost 45 lbs so far by restricting calories, not carbohydrates. But I'm just one person ...

    You can make this two, I eat buckets of sugary foods and occasionally sneak in a dessert and you'll never get me living without my brown pasta and rice (sometimes white if i can't find what i need at the supermarket - i wont just go without). My carbs on my pie chart normally balance themselves out but I do go over alot each day. I've lost 44lbs and have made it through a plateau by zig zagging and switching up my exercise. You'll never get me changing WHAT healthy foods i eat now, just HOW MUCH.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Where do I begin? Should I even start in this discussion or just let it go?

    Mcrow we need the "Not this #@$! again" pic please. Ty. =)
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    And the whole blog post ends in an ad for the book the member wrote! Not impressed.

    HOLD THE HORSES! I didn't see that!

    Warning alarms go off in my head when someone gives unsubstantiated claims and then advertises something you pay for...

  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    poor suckers
  • chantel111184
    chantel111184 Posts: 124 Member
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Sorry but I have to use Greg's here:

  • jah1165
    jah1165 Posts: 87 Member
    I have to try this I am at a stand still but never go over my calories for the day and work out EVERY day
  • Too much of anything is bad. Too little carbs is no way to live your life. It's not at all realistic.

    Low carb/ no carb diets annoy me, probably because carbs are my favorite. I would much rather lose the weight slowly while still enjoying what I eat. :)
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    I see 'bump' all the time on here. Excuse my dumbness, but what does that mean? lol

    If you reply on a post, it keeps it in your "My Topics" for reference. Saying "Bump" means you really don'y have a reply, but you want to keep this post for later. :)

    Sorry for being the nerd police but "bump" is actually used to move a topic back to the top of the message board. It is typically used to keep a topic from falling to the second page and is a big no-no on many sites. The fact that it stores in your "My Topics" list is just a handy side effect.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    The OP didn't write the book listed in his blog, Dr. Mercola did. I think the whole article was copypasta'd from Mercola.com.

    That said, I do have to keep my carbs down to 40% of my intake in order to optimize my weight loss. Too much going over and I bloat up like a water balloon. But hey, that's just me!