TrishB1470 Member


  • I can relate to how you are feeling! For me the number was 179. I'd get there and the loss would stop and I'd quit. Right now I'm stuck at 170, and have been for a while, but I'm not giving up this time. I'm adjusting and trying new things, something will work and I'll be moving again. Stick with it! It is so worth it. I…
  • I second changing your settings to maintain! I went to Florida for spring break, stayed with my parents (enjoying my mom's wonderful cooking) for half the time and half the time at a resort. The maintenance settings gave me more calories to work with so I still felt like I was treating myself and I didn't lose my good…
  • I'm 46 and would love to add more friends that will offer encouragement and support-I will do my best to return the favor! :) I've lost 46 pounds since October and would like to lose another 26. Right now I'm on a new medication and I have had a tough month. Because it is hormone based, it is affecting my body like every…
  • No, it doesn't have to be this program, but it is one that I already own and have enjoyed in the past. Right now I do not have a gym membership, so I'm trying to find things that I can do at home. Because I have multiple problems with my feet I am unable to do anything that is high impact or puts pressure on my toes. That…
  • I hadn't thought of doing planks that way before! Great idea! Yes, it's the back foot that is the problem. This might work, too! Thanks so much! I knew there would be good options out there!
  • Thanks for your responses. My doctor has ordered no planks, lunges, etc... but I really want to get back into using the BodyPump videos and taking the classes at my local Y this summer. The workouts already have a LOT of squats, so I really don't need to add more of them. Reverse lunges still have the same problem with my…
  • Last time I asked my Dr she said to swim. While that is great, it isn't a practical option for my location.
  • I joined a challenge in November and found some supportive people and it has really helped motivate me. I'll happily try to do the same!
  • I'm in! My goal is 12 pounds by Christmas. This is my first post here-I'm looking forward to it!