

  • OW! Ribs? nice! but yea... ow
  • depends where really :) they sting at some places, can hurt like hell at others (i'm thinking about my friend who got a foot tatoo last month...) I have 3 small, some hurt more than the others. Make sure you get a reputable artists though! see their work on people, and not just the fresh ones. I did that mistake and the…
  • I never ate breakfast before Now I do since a while, I realized it helped me not eat as much during the day :)
  • I don't fear them :) I love them, only reason why it's not on my meals this week is simply because I'm out of peanut butter and I find speculoos too sweet now (though I adored that stuff when I was younger) I went to see a movie, and even though at first I didn't want popcorn, I took a small one (instead of the large with…
  • Thanks for the answer :) I actually prelog all my food the day before now, gives me time to work during the day and not worry about it (since I do my recipes as well it takes me a bit of time since I'm not really used to it yet (way faster than when I started though!) Right now i'm aiming to stay on a lower end of calories…
  • you'll be surprised how many people don't get it ;)
  • traveled a lot, my name is Geneviève, lots of people had trouble saying the name for some reason, someone told me ''Like The city?!'' so it kinda stuck and 042 because .. well... 42 (obscure geek reference)
  • You're welcome to add me! :)
  • they will, it just takes time. What was the worse for me was around 10 years ago I had a severe pneumonia (both lungs) that I didn't see a doctor for a while (read 2 months, stupidest moment of my life right here), after that I ended up in a hospital for another month, with a lung abscess the size of a softball (we can…
  • I call people as they are if the hat fits, have fun wearing it Did you even read the original post? I asked for help because I didn't understand why I wasn't hungry. I planned a 1600 cals menu like MFP said, and I couldn't even finish it that day! And I asked if it was a big deal for the numbers. I asked because I'm…
  • I really doubt its a high sprain, I did hear a pop, so I know the ligament is damaged at some degree and not just stretched, but I doubt it's completely torn, when I do some stretching it crackles a bit though. I've had a lot of sprains and this one is by far the one that takes the longest to heal. I can still function,…
  • yea I asked for water aerobic, most class uses a lot of leg movement so I rather just swim lengths and stretches. I was thinking about trying the winter session if my ankle is a bit better. Monday I couldn't swim lengths for long (15-20mins at moderate intensity) but I went in the deep end and swam there for the rest of…
  • I HATE the fact you have to say ''dont bash me'' in your title :( don't give up! you're doing great :) one step at the time
  • thanks lately most of what I eat is lots of veggies/fruit so it did fill me up a lot I guess that's why. I'm actually happy to see I'm not the only one who had that problem (that and see that there's some good people on here! )
  • yea figured as much. ^-^ hopefully swimming will help for a while o.0
  • RIght now only exercise I do is around 20 mins walks with my dog + swimming 1h 3x a week. I sprained my ankle pretty bad so walks are always a pain in the butt. I will definitely go check for the tea though, I do have a few teashop that I like going, never though about using them to help with the apetite/cravings. They…
  • yea that's what I'm trying now, I added more nuts in my diet and yogourt (greek) this should help balance things out :)
  • Yea, I mean the whole point for me is get healthy first, the ''looking/fitting better in my clothes'' deal is just a happy side effect that I hope will come. I'm seeing my GP in October only though :S I'll go check if I can't get my weight taken at a local clinic to have some decent numbers (not one that changes 2-4 pounds…
  • hey I was looking around, I know MFP uses the weightloss/gain to monitor, however, I find that for me, using the scale for now isn't the smartest idea (Last 3 times I tried, I became very OCD, enough to become sick and everything) So I was thinking about using the measurement/clothes/mirror for a while, until I felt comfy…
  • so basically I might be stuck with that for a long time? awesome -_-; I don't know how bad is the ligament though, I haven't seen the x-rays, or got a call back from the doc about it (no news, good news I guess, so I know nothing is broken) I'll ask if I can have any anti-inflammatory meds that I can take to help before,…
  • the thing, its not even the icecream post that made me roll my eyes, its some other posts my only comment about all of this is that even though there is some amazing peoples that are willing to help, -some- are just f***king a.hole that wants to hurt people, or too dumb to stfu. I just find it a bit disappointing that…
  • I have severe asthma when I was at my worse, only thing that seemed to work for me was swimming in a saltwater pool. Now I can swim in normal pools, as long as I take my inhaler. Now as for the respiratory therapy, I had that recommended after I had surgery (since it really f***ed my lungs) it took a while but I could see…
  • yea, i'm all for moderation, i'm just worried if I do it -now- moderation will be...well... forgotten ;)
  • should I applaud you for being able to link a photo or there's a message that I don't get?
  • yea i'm actually reading about some cool and smart snack ideas, it's nice because I love cheese (even cottage) so that's easy to enjoy as snacks (or breakfast) with fruits, yogourt with fresh fruit, smoothies and all. I know some of my trigger food (like popcorn in the theater) so I'll stay away from those for now, same…
  • the sugar I guess? I'll read the links provided, and research more about the macro-nutrients, this should help me a lot with doing my menus and all. It's a strong mindset I have to kick my self out of, since for me (and my mom (she was on weightwatcher for a while, years ago, it worked though) we all see it ''as little…
  • SEE! THIS! That's what I want, lifestyle changes, we eat too much garbage in this household (BF is worse than me) and I don't want my kid to be in that circle. Right now, the thing i'm worried about if I ''let my self a treat'' is that i'll give up. I'm mostly trying to get 15 days clean food (no, not eating 1200 cals) but…
  • I always try to have a good balance of protein (lean meat,fish eggs, cheese), carb and some fat (in the proteins or beside), but add a LOT of veggies to it. I'll definitely try to add nuts though, this should help a lot to balance things. it's kinda hard to look at an entire diet when what I ate before wasn't the best…
  • yea I understand all I say/write/do is utter crap. however just being a d-bag don't help anyone :P huge difference between saying ''hey your diet suck! change it that '' hey fatso, here's a candy bar''