having a hardtime eating 1200 cals



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Oh, it's this thread again

    My thoughts exactly!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Wish I had that problem!

    I LOVE Food! I can always find extra calories.

  • Sorry - your OP made it sound as though you were having a hard time each day getting to 1200. You gave examples of at least a few different days, I thought. Well, if it was just one day, that's different. Everyone has an off day when they aren't hungry. That probably isn't a big deal. But if you are finding yourself in the 1200 range every day, that's probably too low.

    yea, maybe, I really don't want it to become an habit since I know I can easily become totally ocd and then either I lose weight in a very unhealthy way and get it all back, or I give up.
    I'm really just trying to make sense of all of this (the link I got is very helpful though) and do it the right way.

    I just think it's a bit sad that this community seems to have a lot of shamers and a. hole that rather say ''hey your fat eat a candy bar'' or ''not this again'' instead of writing constructive comments and ideas to someone who really wants to change.
  • Wish I had that problem!

    I LOVE Food! I can always find extra calories.

    Ironicaly i'm very much loving food as well, thing is, it's hard for me to find a way to get healthy food in the house (for many reasons) so i'm trying
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I just think it's a bit sad that this community seems to have a lot of shamers and a. hole that rather say ''hey your fat eat a candy bar'' or ''not this again'' instead of writing constructive comments and ideas to someone who really wants to change.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Wish I had that problem!

    I LOVE Food! I can always find extra calories.

    Ironicaly i'm very much loving food as well, thing is, it's hard for me to find a way to get healthy food in the house (for many reasons) so i'm trying

    define healthy? No one food should be considered healthy or not, look at your entire diet, do you get your min fat and protein, and all of your vitamins and minerals. If yes, then what got you there doesn't matters at all.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I know at first I was having ahard time getting to 1200 calories because in my mind was that I can't eat the way I used to because that's how I got overweight in the first place, so I micromanaged what I was eating thinking I couldn't eat certain things. It's a mindset you have when you are determined to make a change and looking to eat better.

    With that said I am not eating around 1400-1500 a day and I have incorporated the things I do like to eat, candy, chips, fast food, etc. I just do it in moderation and I make sure that it fits into my calories for the day. If you want to stay away from that stuff then I would try eating some high fat foods like nuts or even full fat yogurt things along that line.

    Good luck!
  • yea I understand all I say/write/do is utter crap. however just being a d-bag don't help anyone :P

    huge difference between saying ''hey your diet suck! change it
    that '' hey fatso, here's a candy bar''
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    Sorry - your OP made it sound as though you were having a hard time each day getting to 1200. You gave examples of at least a few different days, I thought. Well, if it was just one day, that's different. Everyone has an off day when they aren't hungry. That probably isn't a big deal. But if you are finding yourself in the 1200 range every day, that's probably too low.

    yea, maybe, I really don't want it to become an habit since I know I can easily become totally ocd and then either I lose weight in a very unhealthy way and get it all back, or I give up.
    I'm really just trying to make sense of all of this (the link I got is very helpful though) and do it the right way.

    I just think it's a bit sad that this community seems to have a lot of shamers and a. hole that rather say ''hey your fat eat a candy bar'' or ''not this again'' instead of writing constructive comments and ideas to someone who really wants to change.

    Candy bars & ice cream rec's are not "shaming" you. Plenty of people here eat those things (myself included).

    "All things in moderation" .....or "If it fits your macros" are popular sayings here. Basically, I am trying to lose weight BUT, unless I want to change something permanently.....I won't change it to lose weight. I've been down this road too many times. I need to make "lifestyle" changes....not temporary ones. That's how I will keep the weight off.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    yea I understand all I say/write/do is utter crap. however just being a d-bag don't help anyone :P

    huge difference between saying ''hey your diet suck! change it
    that '' hey fatso, here's a candy bar''

    If you are short 200 calories and already hit your vitamins and minerals and protein goals for the day, what is wrong with a candy bar?
  • Wish I had that problem!

    I LOVE Food! I can always find extra calories.

    Ironicaly i'm very much loving food as well, thing is, it's hard for me to find a way to get healthy food in the house (for many reasons) so i'm trying

    define healthy? No one food should be considered healthy or not, look at your entire diet, do you get your min fat and protein and all of your vitamins and minerals. If yes, then what got you there hardly matters at all.

    I always try to have a good balance of protein (lean meat,fish eggs, cheese), carb and some fat (in the proteins or beside), but add a LOT of veggies to it. I'll definitely try to add nuts though, this should help a lot to balance things.

    it's kinda hard to look at an entire diet when what I ate before wasn't the best (tones of processed food and way too much fastfood) so I'm trying to get a new diet.

    as for getting the minimums, I'll have to check more into it tonight.

  • Sorry - your OP made it sound as though you were having a hard time each day getting to 1200. You gave examples of at least a few different days, I thought. Well, if it was just one day, that's different. Everyone has an off day when they aren't hungry. That probably isn't a big deal. But if you are finding yourself in the 1200 range every day, that's probably too low.

    yea, maybe, I really don't want it to become an habit since I know I can easily become totally ocd and then either I lose weight in a very unhealthy way and get it all back, or I give up.
    I'm really just trying to make sense of all of this (the link I got is very helpful though) and do it the right way.

    I just think it's a bit sad that this community seems to have a lot of shamers and a. hole that rather say ''hey your fat eat a candy bar'' or ''not this again'' instead of writing constructive comments and ideas to someone who really wants to change.

    Candy bars & ice cream rec's are not "shaming" you. Plenty of people here eat those things (myself included).

    "All things in moderation" .....or "If it fits your macros" are popular sayings here. Basically, I am trying to lose weight BUT, unless I want to change something permanently.....I won't change it to lose weight. I've been down this road too many times. I need to make "lifestyle" changes....not temporary ones. That's how I will keep the weight off.


    SEE! THIS!
    That's what I want, lifestyle changes, we eat too much garbage in this household (BF is worse than me) and I don't want my kid to be in that circle.
    Right now, the thing i'm worried about if I ''let my self a treat'' is that i'll give up. I'm mostly trying to get 15 days clean food (no, not eating 1200 cals) but no junk, even if its not as bad calories wise.
    Hell, i'm not giving up everything either, I still want my coffee and I like my diet 7up :P

    also, wasn't talking about that comment for the ''shaming and a.hole"
  • yea I understand all I say/write/do is utter crap. however just being a d-bag don't help anyone :P

    huge difference between saying ''hey your diet suck! change it
    that '' hey fatso, here's a candy bar''

    If you are short 200 calories and already hit your vitamins and minerals and protein goals for the day, what is wrong with a candy bar?

    the sugar I guess? I'll read the links provided, and research more about the macro-nutrients, this should help me a lot with doing my menus and all.

    It's a strong mindset I have to kick my self out of, since for me (and my mom (she was on weightwatcher for a while, years ago, it worked though) we all see it ''as little calories as possible is the best''
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    SEE! THIS!
    That's what I want, lifestyle changes, we eat too much garbage in this household (BF is worse than me) and I don't want my kid to be in that circle.
    Right now, the thing i'm worried about if I ''let my self a treat'' is that i'll give up. I'm mostly trying to get 15 days clean food (no, not eating 1200 cals) but no junk, even if its not as bad calories wise.
    Hell, i'm not giving up everything either, I still want my coffee and I like my diet 7up :P

    also, wasn't talking about that comment for the ''shaming and a.hole"
    It's okay to eliminate trigger foods if that's what you choose to do (those types of foods where you know that if you eat one, you're eating the whole bag). It's important to remember, though, that those foods aren't inherently harmful -- it's whether or not you can eat them in moderation. If there are treats you like and can eat in moderation, you absolutely can include them in your new eating plan.

    It would also be a good idea to come up with some ideas for snacks that you like, that will help you meet your nutrition goals but still taste good to you. Things like fruit, string cheese, celery with peanut butter, etc., can help you get your calories up and hit your macros, but still feel like fun foods. The goal shouldn't be to eat as few calories as possible, because that's not sustainable and weight loss takes time. The goal should be to eat as many calories as possible, and as many things that you like, while still losing weight. Nobody can live without yummy foods forever, and you shouldn't have to.
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    Feel free to check out my diary for food ideas. I eat 1700-2100 calories a day!
  • paka10
    paka10 Posts: 13
    well to address the "newbie high" im 350lbs currently and ive been eating 1200 cal a day for about four months now. i was at 402 lbs when i started. i dont feel hungry and sometimes i eat less than 1200 (although there has been a rare day now and then when i eat more than 1200). so i dont think its just a "high" of starting out. i dont even think twice about the food i eat anymore. im used to it now because i was committed to this from day one. its become a lifestyle now and i couldnt be happier. in all honesty i find it a bit discouraging and rude to tell someone who put themselves out there to lose weight that its just a "newbie high" they're feeling and they'll eventually cave in and start eating more. this is supposed to be a support group and those words weren't very supportive.
  • paka10
    paka10 Posts: 13
    Serious question - if MFP suggests 1600 cals a day to lose weight, why are you only striving for 1200? No offense, but there;s no way a 250 lb woman is "having a hard time " eating 1200 cals. I know, cuz that's where i started. Let me give you some advice. As you lose weight, you are supposed to lower your cal goal a bit, because your body burns things more efficiently the less you weigh. So if you're starting off only eatin 1100-1200, where the heck do you have to go from here?!

    Also, a couple posts up is correct - you WILL get very tired and hangry very soon. You have what I like to call the newbie high of just starting out. I promise this whole thing is much better if you eat more.

    ^this is who i was referring to
  • SEE! THIS!
    That's what I want, lifestyle changes, we eat too much garbage in this household (BF is worse than me) and I don't want my kid to be in that circle.
    Right now, the thing i'm worried about if I ''let my self a treat'' is that i'll give up. I'm mostly trying to get 15 days clean food (no, not eating 1200 cals) but no junk, even if its not as bad calories wise.
    Hell, i'm not giving up everything either, I still want my coffee and I like my diet 7up :P

    also, wasn't talking about that comment for the ''shaming and a.hole"
    It's okay to eliminate trigger foods if that's what you choose to do (those types of foods where you know that if you eat one, you're eating the whole bag). It's important to remember, though, that those foods aren't inherently harmful -- it's whether or not you can eat them in moderation. If there are treats you like and can eat in moderation, you absolutely can include them in your new eating plan.

    It would also be a good idea to come up with some ideas for snacks that you like, that will help you meet your nutrition goals but still taste good to you. Things like fruit, string cheese, celery with peanut butter, etc., can help you get your calories up and hit your macros, but still feel like fun foods. The goal shouldn't be to eat as few calories as possible, because that's not sustainable and weight loss takes time. The goal should be to eat as many calories as possible, and as many things that you like, while still losing weight. Nobody can live without yummy foods forever, and you shouldn't have to.

    yea i'm actually reading about some cool and smart snack ideas, it's nice because I love cheese (even cottage) so that's easy to enjoy as snacks (or breakfast) with fruits, yogourt with fresh fruit, smoothies and all.

    I know some of my trigger food (like popcorn in the theater) so I'll stay away from those for now, same for junkfood (poutine, hotdogs/burgers) but for those it's easy to substitute, homemade burgers are amazing and since I do them, easier to control what I put in it.

    Candies i'm actually pretty good at portion controls (a small bag of Swedish berries can last me a month) since I just eat a few and i'm good for a while.

    thanks for the ideas :)
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    In regards to your hard time eating 1200 calories, most likely it comes down to a mental thing. You've been overeating, you've gained weight, you've made up your mind you are going to do things right! Lose this weight! So your brain is being an amazing cheerleader right now, telling you "Look at what you've eaten! Go you! You are FULL and not even close to your allotment today! That's awesome!" Sadly your brain will likely get bored of being a cheerleader and start working on you saying you've been good, so go ahead and have the extra even if it puts you over your 1500-1700cal goal.

    See, the brain is a junkie. Much like cheerleaders it likes happy hormones that are released by puppies, joy, accomplishment, chocolate, wine, etc. When you are feeling accomplished it gets the happy hormones it craves. When the same accomplishment gets routine, it goes looking for a fix. Failing puppies, joy, etc. chocolate and wine are a cheap hit of the good stuff as far as your brain is concerned. Which is why it is so important to teach yourself moderation. Get that small hit of the good stuff, savor it, be satisfied with it, but keep it under control.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member