having a hardtime eating 1200 cals



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I had a 4200 calorie meal today and usually do every single day.

    I don't get it.

    Good for you! Some of us however...are not male...not 18...not YOU.

    One day you won't be 18 either...then you might have to rethink that 4200k meal.

    Your response shows a HUGE misunderstanding of of how all of this works.

    I think that 4200k for one meal is excessive...but I am not male...not 18...not YOU.

    I think his point is that eating 1200 cals shouldn't be hard for anyone to reach as a minimum. He was not saying the OP should eat as much as him, just that is he can squeeze 4200 cals in one meal, surely the OP and others can get 1200 in a day with no problem.
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    In regards to your hard time eating 1200 calories, most likely it comes down to a mental thing. You've been overeating, you've gained weight, you've made up your mind you are going to do things right! Lose this weight! So your brain is being an amazing cheerleader right now, telling you "Look at what you've eaten! Go you! You are FULL and not even close to your allotment today! That's awesome!" Sadly your brain will likely get bored of being a cheerleader and start working on you saying you've been good, so go ahead and have the extra even if it puts you over your 1500-1700cal goal.

    See, the brain is a junkie. Much like cheerleaders it likes happy hormones that are released by puppies, joy, accomplishment, chocolate, wine, etc. When you are feeling accomplished it gets the happy hormones it craves. When the same accomplishment gets routine, it goes looking for a fix. Failing puppies, joy, etc. chocolate and wine are a cheap hit of the good stuff as far as your brain is concerned. Which is why it is so important to teach yourself moderation. Get that small hit of the good stuff, savor it, be satisfied with it, but keep it under control.

    yea, i'm all for moderation, i'm just worried if I do it -now- moderation will be...well... forgotten ;)

    It won't change 3 months from now, and honestly might be harder without the lifestyle change dynamic being fresh in your mind to help you realise the difference between indulgence and binge.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I had a 4200 calorie meal today and usually do every single day.

    I don't get it.

    Good for you! Some of us however...are not male...not 18...not YOU.

    One day you won't be 18 either...then you might have to rethink that 4200k meal.

    Your response shows a HUGE misunderstanding of of how all of this works.

    I think that 4200k for one meal is excessive...but I am not male...not 18...not YOU.

    I think his point is that eating 1200 cals shouldn't be hard for anyone to reach as a minimum. He was not saying the OP should eat as much as him, just that is he can squeeze 4200 cals in one meal, surely the OP and others can get 1200 in a day with no problem.

    Don't get me wrong...I think most people can eat more than 1200k and still lose. I do however understand why initially it is difficult for some. There is that initial response of "trying to get it right"..."trying to make a change"...most of all...there is the shock of seeing how much that you have been eating.

    Recently I experimented with 1200k...I kept reading how it was enough for some. It is doable...you can reach your macro/micro goals...but it takes a lot of analyzing to "get it right". After 3 1/2 days I said..."forget it" and went back to my 1600 to 1700 calories. Some people can survive on it...just not me...I love my peanut butter and ice cream bars...along with a few chips thrown in.

    I just think that most people don't realize just how much they were eating until they start tracking...it is a shocker. I think it is natural to "over compensate" initially. Many people still have the mentality of eating "diet food". They think that have to suffer...sacrifice...starve...you know...the Three S's of losing weight.

    The OP over reacted to the help that she was offered. She thought we were trying to make her feel like an idiot. In her mind...you can't lose weight eating ice cream.

    To the OP...I have lost 80lbs so far...only 20 left to go. I eat everything...ice cream...peanut butter...chips...pizza...burgers...etc etc. I just make it all fit.
  • cece5300
    cece5300 Posts: 48
    It's not that hard to eat at least 1200 calories a day. I get that there are days when we aren't hungry and don't eat as much, but if you have such a dainty appetite then add peanut butter, whole milk, butter, more olive oil, etc.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    First, I WANT to be applauded when I get the picture attached, cuz it's not easy!

    OP, peanut butter is fantastic for make-up calories. On the spoon, on a pita, on apples...Yum peanut butter....
  • tesshellier
    1200 calories is day is sufficient for me and I seem to get by okay with eating that many. But I am so bored at work that all I can do is sit at my desk and think about food!!

    Any tips for boredom cravings? I am not even hungry... just bored!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    1200 calories is day is sufficient for me and I seem to get by okay with eating that many. But I am so bored at work that all I can do is sit at my desk and think about food!!

    Any tips for boredom cravings? I am not even hungry... just bored!
    you're 23.
    those "boredom cravings" mean you're probably hungry.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    1200 calories is day is sufficient for me and I seem to get by okay with eating that many. But I am so bored at work that all I can do is sit at my desk and think about food!!

    Any tips for boredom cravings? I am not even hungry... just bored!
    you're 23.
    those "boredom cravings" mean you're probably hungry.


    ^ This
  • tesshellier
    No... just bored!

    I know the difference between being hungry and just craving bad food.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    No... just bored!

    I know the difference between being hungry and just craving bad food.
    as long as you don't mind being wrong, I'll agree with you.

    ...but you're wrong. 1200 isn't enough for you.
  • geneva042
    I had a 4200 calorie meal today and usually do every single day.

    I don't get it.

    Good for you! Some of us however...are not male...not 18...not YOU.

    One day you won't be 18 either...then you might have to rethink that 4200k meal.

    Your response shows a HUGE misunderstanding of of how all of this works.

    I think that 4200k for one meal is excessive...but I am not male...not 18...not YOU.

    I think his point is that eating 1200 cals shouldn't be hard for anyone to reach as a minimum. He was not saying the OP should eat as much as him, just that is he can squeeze 4200 cals in one meal, surely the OP and others can get 1200 in a day with no problem.

    Don't get me wrong...I think most people can eat more than 1200k and still lose. I do however understand why initially it is difficult for some. There is that initial response of "trying to get it right"..."trying to make a change"...most of all...there is the shock of seeing how much that you have been eating.

    Recently I experimented with 1200k...I kept reading how it was enough for some. It is doable...you can reach your macro/micro goals...but it takes a lot of analyzing to "get it right". After 3 1/2 days I said..."forget it" and went back to my 1600 to 1700 calories. Some people can survive on it...just not me...I love my peanut butter and ice cream bars...along with a few chips thrown in.

    I just think that most people don't realize just how much they were eating until they start tracking...it is a shocker. I think it is natural to "over compensate" initially. Many people still have the mentality of eating "diet food". They think that have to suffer...sacrifice...starve...you know...the Three S's of losing weight.

    The OP over reacted to the help that she was offered. She thought we were trying to make her feel like an idiot. In her mind...you can't lose weight eating ice cream.

    To the OP...I have lost 80lbs so far...only 20 left to go. I eat everything...ice cream...peanut butter...chips...pizza...burgers...etc etc. I just make it all fit.

    the thing, its not even the icecream post that made me roll my eyes, its some other posts

    my only comment about all of this is that even though there is some amazing peoples that are willing to help, -some- are just f***king a.hole that wants to hurt people, or too dumb to stfu. I just find it a bit disappointing that there's those people here. (AGAIN NOT talking about the ice cream/PB guy, which I mean actually follow his advice (change ice cream for ice yogourt/almond butter)

    I'll write again what I wrote before

    I'm not planning to remove everything from my diet, far from it, I have a young son and I'll be damned if I become the type of mom who's be all ''no hotdogs or fries for you! it's evil! spit it out! ' I was lucky enough to be raised with good, wholesome food, and I want to give him that (I actually am, he eats better than us ahaha)

    But knowing me, knowing how -I- am (physically and emotionally) I know that if I slip ONCE in the next couple of days/weeks, i'm going to crash and go back to pig out.

    What was hard for me yesterday, was
    - I didn't understand WHY I wasn't hungry if I barely ate 1200 cals, but I learned that there's some days that you're not just that hungry. Never happen to me before. It might be the whole brain being a ''cheerleader'' or whatever the other poster said, it might be that it was fricking warm and humid yesterday. But since I -never- really checked what I ate before, I had no way of knowing. All I know is that I ate way less than before, and didn't feel hungry.

    it's super easy for me to reach 1600 cals, hell, super easy for me to eat 2500 cals if I want to, bring me to any fastfood or steakhouse and believe me I'll eat everything on the damn plate. (was raised with the ''there's little kid in Africa dying of hunger, you finish your plate'!)

    What's NOT EASY for me, is eat 1600 HEALTHY Cals. It's hard for a *kitten* tone of reason, bad eating habit being one of them, having a super fricking picky boyfriend is another part (though that was sorted by a ''my food, you can have some, if you don't want some, here's some toasts or whatever you wanna cook)
    Also reading lots of different ''healthy food'' that contradicts each others makes it very confusing (low cal, no carb, keto, paleo, etc)
    I AM NOT a nutritionist, for me food is made to be cooked, enjoyed and savored. (just need to find yummy healthy recipes that's all)
    Toss in a bunch of d-bags just wanting to see you crash and burn to make their little ego happy (or want compensate for something else...)
    + life (you know, stuff outside of weightloss and all? yea! that!)

    That being said, thanks for everyone who actually answered, I take notes of everything and will plan/research accordingly.
    If any wants to help me, my profile/diary is updated every day, feel free to add/accept me as a friend.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    No... just bored!

    I know the difference between being hungry and just craving bad food.

    A lot of people don't know what hunger is, not necessarily the feeling the stomach. I get irritable, other people get faint, weak or tired, without having the "empty" stomach feeling. Yours could come by way of thinking about food in you, your body/mind is crying out for you to feed it.
  • tesshellier
    1200 calories is what MFP recommended that I eat though?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    1200 calories is what MFP recommended that I eat though?
    MFP is a calculator. If you put in incorrect information, it'll give you an non-applicable recommended intake.

    Lemme guess, you put 2lbs per week as a goal?

    You might get some use from this:
  • tesshellier
    No, 1lb because that was what it recommended.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    No, 1lb because that was what it recommended.
    ...and with only 5lbs to go, that's too aggressive for you.

    Since you're new here:


    go there.
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Nuts or nut butter. I also love avocado - great way to add good fats and calories! :) Good luck!:smile:
  • tesshellier
    Awesome thread, thank you.

    I have changed my weight loss to 0.5lbs per week (1400 kcal) until I reach my target.

    I appreciate I don't have much weight to lose but I have always been a dancer, and a small one at that. So when I gave up about 2 years ago, I didn't change my diet and I put on 2 stone.

    My aim is just to prevent myself from going down that slippery slope again so using MFP to remind me what is good/bad foods.

    Many thanks for your help.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Serious question - if MFP suggests 1600 cals a day to lose weight, why are you only striving for 1200? No offense, but there;s no way a 250 lb woman is "having a hard time " eating 1200 cals. I know, cuz that's where i started. Let me give you some advice. As you lose weight, you are supposed to lower your cal goal a bit, because your body burns things more efficiently the less you weigh. So if you're starting off only eatin 1100-1200, where the heck do you have to go from here?!

    Also, a couple posts up is correct - you WILL get very tired and hangry very soon. You have what I like to call the newbie high of just starting out. I promise this whole thing is much better if you eat more.

    You do realize that everyone is different, right? I started out over 230 and I eat about 1100 calories every day. It's not something I do on purpose, it's just my appetite. I've seen my doctor about it. I've also felt a lot of guilt and shame and have gone so far as to lie in my diary so that I don't come under, once again. People and comments like yours don't help at all. Some of us really do struggle to meet our calorie goals and when we ask for help, we're ASKING FOR HELP. It's not a humble brag or a made up problem. I've lost 43 pounds so far in over three months, and I'm not hangry, or tired. In fact I'm happy, energetic and satisfied.

    And since people will ask, they always do - I got fat by drinking the majority of my calories via Dr. Pepper, and super sweetened coffee. Once I cut those out, I realized that I had never been eating the "magic" 1200 number everyone harps on. As if eating 50 more calories in one day is going to make the difference between being healthy and being unhealthy.

    If you (general) don't like threads like these, stop clicking on them - it's super DUPER obvious what the subject is - so start exercising some self control. If this woman was having trouble cutting back her calories, people would be happily offering up suggestions. But when someone has trouble eating enough, it's judgement city for the most part. Which is bull****. Everyone deserves help on here.
  • geneva042
    No, 1lb because that was what it recommended.
    ...and with only 5lbs to go, that's too aggressive for you.

    Since you're new here:


    go there.

    hey I was looking around,

    I know MFP uses the weightloss/gain to monitor, however, I find that for me, using the scale for now isn't the smartest idea (Last 3 times I tried, I became very OCD, enough to become sick and everything) So I was thinking about using the measurement/clothes/mirror for a while, until I felt comfy enough that even if I didn't lose that much weight, I could always say ''well I feel better so it's not a big deal''

    So now the only scale I go on is at my mother's cottage, which I go once every month or two. And now I don't even want to use it because we tested it and it gives 4 different results in 5 minutes o.0 (it's a very old scale...)

    Any other ways you can recommend?