

  • Our 40+ community is sure growing strong!! Just knowing that we are not alone makes all the difference - many of us are going through the same weight loss struggles, so it is wonderful to see that when someone has a bump in the road a whole community is out there to help pick us up and keep us on the right track. Keep…
  • Hello, I am a vegetarian and have been for about 21 years now. I don't eat fish or chicken or really anything that had a face and could move around. I think it was a postpartum thing for me..... about 3 months after my oldest son was born I was really grossed out while cooking hamburger for spaghetti sauce and have not…
  • WOW!! I have been overwhelmed with support. Thanks everyone. I forgot to come back to this message board after I posted this request.... I rec'd a lot of friend requests (I have plenty now :smile: ) Now we all have support from others in our age group (since we all know that in our 40's things change.... ). Support from…
  • I hope this plan went well for everyone. Good for you for sticking it out for the full 4 weeks! That is a hard plan to follow!! For me, I did lose 6 lbs after 2.5 weeks but then I bailed. I just did not have another Phase 2 in me (being a vegetarian and only having egg whites as an option for two days - was making me…
  • I am working on creating some easy protein bars - I have been searching online all morning. There are a ton of recipes that look good. My challenge is what is the best item to use for the protein - peanut butter is the most common but I don't want to use that all the time. I wonder about using a protein powder - how much…
  • Thanks for this post.....really helped. We are half way through week two and its slow going for sure. Makes it hard to stay focused!!
  • I am on phase 2 day 1 and have only lost 4 lbs. I weigh in daily so I can track it on my FMD App..... It does seem slower than I expected but its better than gaining! Stick with it.... Good job on losing 3lbs already! How's the water going for everyone. I find it a bit much. Last week I drank what is asked but too much…
  • I am on day 1 of week 2 or day 8 .... The FMD has been a bit of a challenge for me , I am a 44 year old mother/wife and weigh 188 and I am a vegetarian. So phase 2 is not my favourite phase. I eat eggs but do not eat soy (well I did but through this process I decided to take a break for soy as well and I do not eat fish).…
  • If anyone has any ideas for a vegetarian that only eats eggs (no meat/fish/soy) for Phase 2 please let me know...... I hate phase 2 Would especially love a recipe for a homemade protein bar that I could use in this phase........... Tomorrow I begin phase 3 and will try sprouted grain bread for the first time..... can't…
  • I am only on day 4 but would love to join a support group for this plan. I am sticking it out for the full 28 days regardless of the obstacles I face. My issues are that I am a vegetarian and only eat eggs (no meat, fish and want to stay away from tofu/soy as this is part of my issue). Phase 2 therefore, poses a huge issue…