Mjroxane Member


  • hi , lots of people are talking about mfp , what is it :/
  • Welcome !!! :):)
  • im in :) 360 mins here i come :) X
  • i will join :) any way of sending the calender :)
  • i up for it , at the moment i do no excrise i am going to start tomorrow so sounds like a good way of getting me to do it , cause i wont want to come on and say i didnt do any beasue i couldnr be bothered so i think this is fab :) Good luck !!
  • hi , yes all these comments have helped, starting to understand it all better :) i am petite well i wud say i am a bit of a wried shape :) i am petite but i have my mother hips which she says is great for when you have children as they can sit better on them :) which means we have big hips .
  • Well done :) Im from uk ...looks like only one at the moment who from Stoke on Trent:) X
  • well i didnt think the 700 was right but when i sign up to myfitness pal and put my weight any everything in that what it came up to , i did re-entre my details to see if it would change but it didnt :/ any way of changing it , also i arent sure how many calories a day i should be having anyone know for a 5 foot 3 girl age…
  • that sounds great , i have a yoga dvd which ive had for years , i really like yoga as i find all the breathing really relaxing i might put them both together and give it ago :) :) would love to try the boot camp :D
  • well its quite hard to find a teacher around my area , but ive seen so dvds with it on thats teachs you , do you know if they are any good
  • yeah i give that a go , i try anything , i got a really sweet tooth and just want sweets and choclate all the time , i even have 3 sugars in my tea and have about 8+ cups a day :( =
  • Welcome :) :) Good luck , feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)
    in Finally! Comment by Mjroxane August 2010
  • hi , yes thats what i was untill i put weight on , would like to go back to that size (*8-10) , thanks for everyone comments goin to try and start fresh 2nmorrow , give it a really good go ! sick of just saying it now , time for plan of action , think im going to go and plan my meals for the week , also find some excrise…
  • going to get some red top milk , give that ago so its not as bad , also going to try honey at 1st insaid of sugar , so many thanks , very useful and quite bad how many calories i have just in tea! any ideas on a hot drink i could get in the day as i go to college , so it will have be one i could get from town :/
    in TEA?? Comment by Mjroxane April 2010
  • thats helpd loads , im always craving chocolate and sweet but never know why , just thought its a female thing lol ( as i live with my dad and he dnt reali knw that much when it comes to diet but he never craves choclate and sweet dosent reali eat them :/)
    in TEA?? Comment by Mjroxane April 2010
  • hi , its 3 sugars per cup , so its around 12 sugars a day :/ tryd to cut down but i have a reali sweet tooth , is there anythin sweet i could put in insaid of sweet :/
    in TEA?? Comment by Mjroxane April 2010
  • a bath is a great idea ...time to relax ! also light some cadles then your more likly to relax insaid of thinking about food ...just keep thinking if i dont have that one biscuit im going to loss more , if i have that biscuit then its more i got to try and loss 2morrow ...:) keep strong and keep thinking about your idea…
  • hi there, find something to do , keep busy and drink lots of water , if there is nothing to do at home then go for a walk or go vist family or friends :) hope this helps ...always easyer said then done but just keep thinking its going to be worth it in the end :)
  • hellooo Kristenmickel :):drinker:
  • hello. many thanks , ill give that a go , thank you for explaing how to do it , hopefuly i will do it right and will see results soon :)
  • thank you everyone .. evrything thing you said sounds like the best thing to do ... going to do some workouts now, a light one in morning and one once im home then hopfuly i wont feel to bad from what ive eat , i am defo going to take my own dish , one thats low in calories but one thats filling then i sudnt need to snack…
  • like the idea of lossing weight well quitting as everytime ive tryd i have put on ... where could i get them from and do they cost much ...many thanks
  • Thanks for all the replys , very uesful , going to give it a good go , seems like i just need to cut of the bad foods , eat more of the good and move more , ( which i have already started :) ) ive started tae kown do, once a week , also doing an keep fit dvd once week and me and my close friend are going to start the gym ,…