need HelP!

Hi All , realii need help cant stick to any diet , ive try everyone out there but after 2 days i give up :( i dont have an excrise routie but would really like to have one that im going to stick to , i dont have the money for gym so cud do with anyone who dose there own excrise routie at home which dosent cost anything , really want to sort my weight out but dont know where to start , cant do diets where its going to cost me loads in buying healthy foods Please someone HELPPP , i got my end of college porm in 6 months i really want to be able to fit in my dream dress :( X one thing i do do and have done for 4 months now is i always track everything i eat and drink on here :) X


  • johnthefatman
    If you have already been tracking all your intake in here you've made the first big step - open your diary up so we can have a look and advise. If you don't want to open it to all add me as a friend and open it to friends.

  • KimSchnizleinWECHANGED
    I know exactly how the exercise thing can frustrate, but I've just begun walking 2 miles a day and I have a couple of free weights I use for a little strength training. If you don't have weights flour bags or cans will work just as well! As for the routine part .... I've found that my walks are better done first thing in the morning, and then just before dusk .... The strength training I throw in about an hour after lunch with a few other leg and arm exercises. You just need to find the routine and times that work best for you. Look online for some easy at-home exercises. Good luck!

  • lsiberian
    healthy foods are cheaper long-term than unhealthy foods because you need less of them to get full.

    For example 96-4 beef will fill you much faster than 80 20. Whole wheat pasta is cheap, as is whole wheat rice, lentils, beans, bananas, apples, carrots, grapes, and whole wheat bread.

    I must assume your profile pic is your goal because if it you currently then you are already at the ideal body size. tIn that case there is nothing wrong with maintaining your weight with the right nutrition. You'd certainly tone up even more and peak out your body.
  • Mjroxane
    Mjroxane Posts: 41 Member
    I must assume your profile pic is your goal because if it you currently then you are already at the ideal body size. tIn that case there is nothing wrong with maintaining your weight with the right nutrition. You'd certainly tone up even more and peak out your body.

    hi , yes thats what i was untill i put weight on , would like to go back to that size (*8-10) , thanks for everyone comments goin to try and start fresh 2nmorrow , give it a really good go ! sick of just saying it now , time for plan of action , think im going to go and plan my meals for the week , also find some excrise online and plan my little routie , have a week untill im back at college that when its starts to be really hard to fit excrise in and watch what i eat beacuse we all go into town on brecks seeing cakes and food places with all my fav but fatty foods in is soooo hard , bt goin try my best :) good luck to everyone
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    My boyfriend picked up my bike at a garage sale for 10.00 I added cool back baskets for 35.00 and now I bike to work, to the grocery store, and to do my errands. I don't bike hard, but even biking leisurely is burning more calories than sitting in the car or on the bus. I don't know anything about farmers markets in england but here they are a great cheep way to get veggies. And just eat the ones that don't store well first and the ones that tend to last...well last. Good luck I hope you reach your goal.