

  • Phyllis. Thanks for the friend request. I saw it before I read this response, so no need to respond on how you are doing. No doubt I do not want to go diabetic. The cat Patched I mentioned in PM was diabetic. The last 4 years we literally could go nowhere because of her shot routine. On average we took her readings 12…
  • Chloe, It is not as bad as one might think. I have done myself no favors by not exercising for years now. But that is changing. I do suffer from arthritas in my neck, but even that is getting better and I have gained a little more range of motion. All from diet it would appear. Go figure. All I can say is if you are active…
  • That " Don't tell me what to do" comment is pretty Trollish. As far as weight? At 18 my lean 6' 2" frame was at 165lb and I could bench 235 curl 175 and military 190. Only 3 reps of course. I doubt I can get back to that shape at 63, but I am going to try. LOL
  • You can not change unless you want to. So do you want to change? Over 30 years ago I was a two pack a day smoker. Oh I tried to quit but I would just fool myself by not buying and just bumming smokes. When I developed a smokers morning cough I decided I had to do something. So I got hypnotised. From that day forward I…
  • Big changes in my diet. No Red Meat Eggs Turkey Chicken Talapi Salmon Tuna Peanut Butter Laura Scudders is the best. Lentils celery carrots cucumber olives radishes tomato chic peas mushroom artichoke asparagus various lettuce yogurt hummus cheese very limited milk ditto pita bread ditto on grain oatmeal daily apples…
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