Determined to change.

I am a 63 6' 2" male with health concerns. Pre Diabetic. High Cholesterol. High Triglicerides. High Blood Pressure. Skin disorders. Elimination problems. Exhaustion. Depression. Poor focus and concentration.

I joined on April 25th. I have already made changes and I am already seeing results. The key is to not let stalls get you down. I am experiencing one right now. Since I started a transformation of my eating habits and diet, on the 13th of April, I have lost over 10 lbs. 3 inches off my waist and 1 inch off my hips. Which means that my current pants are now so loose they will just pull down over my hips. I have no more holes on my belt. LOL !! I even tried on an old pair of 36 inch jeans. Now I stretched them out no doubt, but they are loose as well.

My wife is also working on losing weight. It is always tougher for women, but since her last dr visit which was about 6 weeks ago she has lost 8 pounds.

We are now feeling better and can now start an exercise regime.

I will write up a success story in two months when I go in for my next blood tests.


  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    How does it feel to be 63?
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: i think you and your wife are amazing! so glad you are working so hard on this! believe me you don't want to be a diabetic! i have been one for around 12 years due to steroid injection in my spine from a car accident injury! it put weight on me & now i am insulin resistant! i have lost almost 70 pounds but still a diabetic with 2 different kind of needles & pills! i have to take my sugar levels about 10 times a day! the steroids have ruined my pancreas so that it does not produce insulin! so i am having to have bariactric surgery so that will cause my pancreas to function again! so you two are doing the right thing by improving your health before it is too late! my hats off to the 2 of you!
  • spinman1949

    It is not as bad as one might think.

    I have done myself no favors by not exercising for years now. But that is changing. I do suffer from arthritas in my neck, but even that is getting better and I have gained a little more range of motion. All from diet it would appear. Go figure. All I can say is if you are active now then no matter what happens in the future, stay active. Im general I am a positive person, but since I got off red meat I have noticed that I am much calmer and I do not get upset or irritated at the small stuff as much. Again, Diet?
    Getting old is part of life. I have all my hair that is just a little salt and pepper and most of my teeth. LOL !! I will drag up some pictures soon.

  • spinman1949

    Thanks for the friend request. I saw it before I read this response, so no need to respond on how you are doing.
    No doubt I do not want to go diabetic. The cat Patched I mentioned in PM was diabetic. The last 4 years we literally could go nowhere because of her shot routine. On average we took her readings 12 times a day because cats numbers can climb fast.

    You are doing great !! All that weight loss !! Wonderful.

    Hopefully the surgery will kick start your pancreas and you can get off the needle. Good Luck.

  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    Good for you and your wife! You're right about not losing focus during plateaus or a day "off plan". I had one myself this weekend when I walked out of the house without my bag of veggies and protein and found myself at cub scout camp with nothing to eat but some really awful food (a well-meaning parent supplied the food, but honestly, I don't normally feed that to my kids). But I refocused on Sunday and didn't let it set me up to return to my carb-fest of a diet that I drift toward.

    Good luck to you, and I can't wait to read your success stories! :flowerforyou: