Terrible Eatting Habits Advice On How To Fix Them



  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    This started at 3 years old, been going on for 12 years. Are you 15?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

  • spinman1949
    You can not change unless you want to.

    So do you want to change?

    Over 30 years ago I was a two pack a day smoker. Oh I tried to quit but I would just fool myself by not buying and just bumming smokes. When I developed a smokers morning cough I decided I had to do something. So I got hypnotised. From that day forward I never touched another cigarette. Did the hypnosis work or did I need a reason to do what I already knew I had to do? Did spending $150 on hypnosis force me to make it work? Does it matter? No it does not.

    So are you ready to change?

    If you are then take it in steps.

    Start easy. Make a resolution that hungry or not, you will eat one bowl of oatmeal every day. Don't worry about calories right now, so add milk, butter and brown sugar if you like. Make a big batch. Mix in the milk and butter and sugar to your taste and then get some 1 cup freezer and microwave safe containers and fill then up and freeze daily portions.

    That is where you start. One easy to make meal you can freeze. Do this for 1 month straight and see how you feel and report back.
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    The problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they ...are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude. Good luck.
  • Raven2evil
    Raven2evil Posts: 73 Member
    The problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they ...are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude. Good luck.
    What do you mean i'm focusing on the things in life that don't really matter? Whats that even mean?
  • Raven2evil
    Raven2evil Posts: 73 Member
    This started at 3 years old, been going on for 12 years. Are you 15?
    ugh so i mathed wrong some how I made this post like super late at night or super early in the morning. I'm 21 so 18 years.