

  • Hopefully not with that hat on . . . LOL!
  • So why would you quit logging exercise that you 'routinely' do? That's like saying since you do it everyday, that it no longer burns calories - or that because you go to the gym everyday it's now routine, so I shouldn't log it . . . NOT. It certainly may burn at a different rate, but burn - it will - none the less. Setting…
  • Stretch, Cardio, Stretch, Stretch Stretch and Cardio!
  • Yes, count, but at the end of the day. Have a wonderful time and don't beat yourself up for celebrating life. What a blessed day!
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with letting your children at any age see you working to maintain your health. If they are smart as I am sure they are - they may just learn life lessons from watching you! Don't dumb it down for them. Tell them the truth in plain language with clear meaning and short explanation. Then…
  • Always use the same scales to weigh on. Don't go messing yourself up by measuring against someone elses. They are all going to be different. It is our nature to want to take the smallest one! Always weigh at approximately the same time of day. And yes, intake as well as outgo makes a difference. So unless you didn't…
  • FYI: Tracie is a shoe professional for a major retailer in the country for over 6 years. Her knowledge is solid.
  • This may sound strange, but many people have used this and it works. Yellow Mustard, one teaspoon. Certainly won't hurt to give it a try.
  • Search 'high protein foods' on the web. You'll find all kinds of information and lists of foods. Look for what you like or things you would like to try. You can always plug them into your food tracker to check for nutritional values. Watch the fat/carb/sugar contents as well.
  • Fat is fat. Isn't that why you're here. Don't fool yourself, you will absolutely slow yourself way down. Give yourself breaks, we need those, but a full blown retreat - not so much. But then I guess it depends what you really want to get out of myfitnesspal. Just trying to keep it real . . . more for me than you! "It's Now…
  • Keep in mind, the tracker is a guide and is not 'gospel'. Use it as true as you possibly can. Oh, and protein is a fat burner, so eating more protein on it's own will not give you a full feeling very long, it burns off your carb sugars quickly and you feel hungry again. If you do add more protein to feel fuller, make sure…
  • So like what have you lived on all this time? If you've eaten anything other than meat, you have eaten vegetables. It's a matter of how they are prepared. And if you haven't recognized them as veggies, they've been highly processed and that is the taste you are evidently used to. Try small bits at a time and a great flavor…
  • Tracie is right about the fact that the book isn't losing the weight - you are. I was actually reading and participating in the "First Place 4 Health" program. Taking the physical / mental / emotional / spiritual approach to better health and weight loss through these 4 aspects of ones life. The program has been around and…
  • sausage
  • Don't count yourself out, you've just gotten started, 2 weeks is nothing. Since you do like the logging in - be honest when using all the tracking. If you're an emotional eater (like me) the 'eating without thinking' is like a out of body thing. You know what is happening, that you're shoveling food in your mouth but…
  • Once a girl scout, always a girl scout.
  • Like bettertracie said in a nutshell . . . . keeping it honest and real. And I'm sure that her picture isn't 'today'. It's probably where where she wants to be back to - as is mine.