

  • Here's two different websites that I've seen strewn around the forums... http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ And from everything I've seen so far... 1700 is not high if you're wanting to do the TDEE way.
  • I think (not certain though) that I don't have a whole lot of sugar throughout the day, so I don't think that would be too hard on me. Thanks!
  • Feel free to add me and check mine out as well. I'm working on eating alot healthier too, sometimes relying too much on protein shakes/bars but have been trying really hard to eat only healthy stuff.
  • I like to believe that I'm open-minded but must admit that there is one thing that I do struggle with accepting, and that's the issue concerning daily caloric intake needs. MFP and many others have shown that I neeeeeed to ingest at least a certain number of calories, but for some reason I'm so hardheaded on this topic…
  • I don't know the picture that you're talking about but I do know the article that it may be referring to. I found one of the articles and it states "High intensity exercise continued over hours and repeated regularly over years and decades “stretches” the heart, disrupting muscle fibres and causing micro-tears that do…
  • Hopefully someone else can explain too... but here it goes. I am sedentary during the day so MFP said that I need 1200 calories per day to "survive". So if I do absolutely no exercise, MFP wants me to actually eat 1200 calories. Now let's say that I exercise and burn 500 calories. I have eaten 1200, but burned 500 of that…
  • Meh. Every person is different on their addiction level and need/want for foods that they are depriving themselves. I don't have a cheat day specifically so if I want to cheat... I just make a decision based on the last time I've cheated and if I'm willing to work harder to counteract the cheat. I suggest to try it out...…
  • On thing that MFP cannot do is discern each person's physiology. That is the primary reason (I think) that it simply sticks to the net count. It will not be able tell you if your body is going into starvation... simply give suggestions on your daily intake. Time and time again we've seen that smaller portions keeps your…
  • We are so addicted to sweets that it's easy to let go and eat stuff like that. So what!? As long as you understand that it's not a constant thing, let yourself enjoy it now and then. Learn what triggered it, have some good alternatives handy the next time you're in that situation and simply move on. There's no reason to…
  • And I completely agree with BeachIron. Vikk.. you and are about the same height and almost the same weight and it looks like our goals are similar. I'm at 1200 as well, projected to lose 1.9 per week. I just started myfitness pal but have been strict on my caloric intake for about two weeks... high protein and low carb but…
  • Yes, b/c according to whatever information you entered, myfitnesspal put you at needing 2200 calories to stay at your current weight. So if you were to do absolutely nothing but ingest 1200 calories properly, it'll be 1-2 pounds per week. So when you start to exercise... you need to replace what you lost during exercise to…
  • Are you talking specifically about myfitnesspal? It automatically calculates that for you as you enter your exercises. For instance... I am to net 1200 a day. As soon as I enter that I exercised and burnt off 300 calories... I am allowed 1500 per the day. So, if you ate 1200, then entered that you burned 500... you only…
  • I will also be starting here shortly. Of course that means that I don't have any advice to offer you on it... but at least you won't be alone! From my understanding, Insanity is tough... very tough... but do NOT let that be a reason not never hit the play button. If you get so wore out while you're doing it... just keep…