Eat what you want I don't care !!!!The FDA does not regulate bars in the USA it says that on the package read it its in black and white ! The reason I told you to make your own protein bars is because you and only you can regulate what you mix into your own personal bars. Your Body do what you want ! I don't make any money…
Hi Guys and Gals, Sorry to burst your bubble Quest Bars where tested for the macros and they are pretty much off by 80% on some of there claims. Eat Real food -Make your own Bars easy to do and you control what you put in there,
Nice job buddy!
Excellent work my friend !
I buy from a bulk ingredient cheese supplier pure 90% Isolate 20kg/44lbs Bag of Protein $289.96 $6.59lb or $14.45 Kg I just mix in the flavor myself (Cocoa powder, Bananas,vanilla) and it comes in cheaper for me Fedor
Awesome Man!!!
Thank you always need a kick!
Try Pineapple and coconut flavor with frozen ice taste like a pina colada with no alcohol mix in a tablespoon of organic peanut butter and bananas almond butter and strawberries The skys the limit
Hi And welcome were in this together feel free to add me as a friend
Great job buddy the belly is "awol"
hi Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
Hi Xray, keep on the wagon this is a great site for moral support add me as a buddy if you would like, i am still kicking myself for not keeping with the the program when i was 39 and he we are 2 years later Do it for both of us Carp di em seize the day Fedor