

  • There are so many mistruths in this article, worst of all is the fallacy about calories in and calories out Simplicity is one thing the human body and condition is not
  • Define "overweight" I don't see the value in this discussion of semantics and wiki articles ?
  • People on here are referring to the process where the body decides to store fat rather than use it, for fuel because of a supposedly biochemical/hormonal reaction to insufficient and regular food intake hence the term "starvation mode" Nothing to do really with the literal meaning of starvation as an individual word and…
  • My personal trainer, my ortho and my occupational therapist all say cardio first and then weights (using the 70/30 rule in terms of time) for a good balance of weight management and muscle. All have also said to do one session of weights by themselves once a week after a warm up (I train 5-6 times a week, an hour each…
  • As mentioned BMI is often used but it is flawed. A BMI tool is on this site if you want to use it However, my opinion is to ask someone who really dislikes you what they think of your bodyweight :)
  • Got divorced 9 yrs ago. Gained 15 kg from fat food and alcohol We got back together 3 years ago and are very very happy. I have dropped most of the 15 kg and on the way to my goal weight Divorce is tough, very tough but it can make you very strong and determined There are better times post divorce. Stay strong
  • I'm with you on this. I am on an advanced training program with a personal trainer I am 7 weeks in to it. Nutrition is faultless (based on MFP, my PT's review and my various other subject matter experts) I dropped 20-22 pounds in the first 3 weeks and have definately developed a lot of lean muscle. My numbers all look…
  • I will be succinct, yes (and my trainer agrees)
  • I must be a freak because that is exactly what I am managing to do ?
  • If you are trying to lose body fat, excess sugars, even from fruit are going to slow the process down, all else being equal. Sugars from fruit are clearly better than processed sugars but .... Moderation is the key, chnage some portions to vegetables such as carrots, raw brocolli, celery etc Bananas are a great food source…
  • I find the ones at our gym consistent and accurate (Trainer using calipers to compare) I agree the home retial ones may not be useful
  • Weight dropping again, got below the 90kg barrier - woohoo. Trouble is, I tore my calf muscle at training today. :grumble: Not sure how much cardio I'll be able to do now but the rower should be fine. Can still do my upper body workouts and maybe some light treadmill work. I never thought I would be so upset about not…
  • I lost 6 kg in my first three weeks and weight stalled at 90kg for 1-2 weeks My trainer reminded me I am also putting on lean muscle and a bodyfat analysis proved it (the extra muscle mass shows visibly too!). He said, weight loss is always dramatic in the first few weeks. So, the fat was still coming off but the denser…
  • An excellent post and makes a lot of sense to me. I have only been training for 3 weeks but have lost 6 kg so far. However, my nutrition has changed considerably and this is shown in my body fat drop from 35% to 25% (I have actually lost a lot more than 6 kg of body fat) and yet my weight loss has slowed - lean muscle mass…
  • Thanks for the positive words :) Finding now that weight loss has slowed, mainly because I am gaining muscle weight In the last week body fat has dropped a further 3% but gained 2 kg in muscle weight. End up being the same weight .....:laugh: