MegKat Member


  • Last night my friend and I made quinoa and topped it with black beans, tomatoes, corn, cilantro, onion. And then we topped it with a greek style yogurt, it was really good.
  • Wooo! Thanks for the response everyone! The only yoga video I have done is p90x, and its a long sweaty one, but I do enjoy it. How are the Rodney Yee videos Barbiecat? Mary, awesome inversion, I have am terrified of inversions, and still have to use the wall. I am working on it, but my body does not trust itself yet,…
    in Yoga Comment by MegKat May 2010
  • I guess its up to you, what type of workouts are you doing? Do you want to build any strength? Muscle burns calories. If you look at many diets a high protein low carb diet can be a very good thing. But you want lean protein. I personally get sick of eating meat, so I go for protein powder. I don't use it everyday but I…
  • O man, I am wracking my brain trying to remember the name of a book that really helped me. It has an apple on the front, hmmmmm. I don't know what personally you are struggling with but I can tell you most of my journey has been more mental than anything. For me, I have done a lot of journaling, which has helped. And I go…
  • I used to do it, and now I'm getting back into it, again. Its tough! I wont' be doing it strictly, but I want to try and fit it in 3 times a week, at least!
    in P90X Comment by MegKat May 2010
  • I joined Yoga about 2 months ago. Have I seen a dramatic weight loss yet, No. BUT, I can't even begin to list off all of the reasons it's beneficial. As far as replacing it with strength training, thats up to you. I personally strength train because I enjoy it. Do you want to build bulky muscles or lean sculpted muscles?…
  • Yep! Absolutely muscle weight, it sucks, but give it another month, and fat will start melting off. Its tough to keep going without seeing change but it will come. You can't go by weight, better to measure yourself if you don't have a fancy scale. I was working out 3+ hours a day and eating crazy healthy, But seeing…
  • I'm 5'8 and 165, I want to loose 10 pounds. My friend is 6' and 200. So I think you are doing great! It's nice to have a number in mind but the closer you get the more you can think about the areas you need to change rather than the amount of weight. I know what you mean, it's hard to relate when 115 isn't even an option!…
  • Corbeya, I know! I don't want to loose the good rhythm I got goin', I will just have to work, workout, sleep. And one of them is a rest day so thats a good thing!
  • Be careful not to get injured! I have knee troubles. Today I get the anatomy of exercise book so I can really think about what muscles I am engaging. Back to my life drawing days. I'm excited. It's a rest day which I should take even though I kinda want to work out. (thats a good thing) Next week I work some really long…
  • YES! If you aren't seeing results, just wait, I wasn't loosing any weight and then all of a sudden I needed to go shopping and everyone was telling me how skinny I was, so be patient. This is the only work out I have ever had HUGE success with. I really am not a fan of Kenpo, so I too am substituting Plyo, I get way more…
  • Welcome! Well that soreness is just the beginning! But you have a partner so thats great help! You can do it!
  • I'm in! I did p90x before but it was awhile back, so I'm feeling it! I love being sore because I know I pushed myself, but man it is frustrating especially when I have to work. Any good suggestions for getting enough protein in the AM? I eat omelets quite a bit but i would like something else to mix in there.
  • we have the same mission!
  • I was just curious is all about the calories, I'm still working out 5 days a week! And thanks for the HRM info, paydays tomorrow!
  • Thank you everyone! I had the same idea of putting them down the drain. But I also like the idea of saving them for her deliberately! although I wouldn't. I have already lost weight with my plan so I don't know why she doesn't listen, but I will forge on!
  • I'm with you too! I've never known what it's like to be tiny, and if i don't find out now, I may never know! My goal is to loose 10 pounds by March 6th, I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. Or should I?