Personal Growth

CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
There's tons of information and tons of sharing going on throughout this site but I'm wondering about personal growth. You know how they say "I'm working on the outside".........I always think well what about the inside? That's my issue and I'm seeking advice. I'm struggling on the inside and I'm sure I'm not the only one. So the question is this, what are you all doing to work on yourself through this process. I'm having a hard time accepting people's comments although I know they are genuine, my brain refuses to believe them. I lost about 35 lbs before finding this site and now an additional 13 here, but when I look in the mirror most of the time, I still see that old fat slob. Anyone else struggling with this stuff? Anyone have any books they'd recommend? I'm open to any and all suggestions! Thanks in advance. I truly do love all of you here, you certainly do motivate me each and everyday. :happy:


  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    It's good to see someone concerned with the real issues instead of just the symptoms. It will take a long time for you to love yourself again....if you ever did. Be kind to yourself and know you are a good person no matter what the scale says. Might I suggest the book Women, Food and God? I am so happy to see someone working on the best wishes to you.
  • Diaz07fam
    Diaz07fam Posts: 43
    i feel you, every time i get dressed or look at myself i feel worse than i did before i started this. im not sure why but it kills me i feel like i look like im gaining i dont know but it gets me way down. :cry:
  • 4me2sibiai
    4me2sibiai Posts: 71
    When people give you compliments, what they're really saying is that they are understanding how hard it was for you to get to the physical change. Sounds like the old you is having a fit that the inner athlete is starting to get attention. :) Maybe a major haircut or new outfit can help match the physical drastic change. Most importantly, please sit every day for 5-15 minutes (in the car, walking...) and give yourself the gift of "TIME FOR YOU" and then inside your head, quietly reassure your heavier old self that she is still with you and loved. If you really want to shift your mindset, go grab boxes of litter (up to the pounds you have lost to date) at the local pet store and walk around the pet store. Your heavier "you" will get the point VERY quickly!!! :) Your new body has earned the kind words your friends/co-workers are giving you because I see how hard you are working every day! Tell yourself in your own quiet moments how proud you are and how excited you are to be having these changes. It's smart that you made this posting because I'm sure there are so many people on this site who feel the same way...Men and Women! YOU ARE WORTHY OF THE COMPLIMENTS.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I know it sounds weird but for lent I spent 40 days acknowledging some good quality about myself and for things I was grateful. I am starting to appreciate the awesome physical changes I have made. My body is starting to match the awesome, intelligent compassionate, independent.... woman on the inside. :happy:
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    Two personal development books that changed my life are "the slight edge" by jeff olson and "failing forward" by john C Maxwell.

    I'm Healthy, I'm Wealthy, a lot of my success is because of those books so I highly highly highly recommend them. You can find them both on Amazon for super cheap. I'm so passionate about these books and how life changing they are that I made a youtube video of myself just talking about these books..LoL I am a dork!
  • MegKat
    MegKat Posts: 23 Member
    O man, I am wracking my brain trying to remember the name of a book that really helped me. It has an apple on the front, hmmmmm. I don't know what personally you are struggling with but I can tell you most of my journey has been more mental than anything. For me, I have done a lot of journaling, which has helped. And I go back and reread what I have written. Also, more recently Yoga has helped me. Because it is about caring about your body, and knowing that what you are doing is for you, and you might not be perfect but you have to accept yourself for what you are, where you have come from, and where you can go. Part of yoga practice is thanking yourself for what you have already done for yourself and are continuing to do. And setting an intention, which can be loving yourself, which is something i struggle with often.

    I am very curvy, and people keep telling me, Wow, you look great, you have such a tiny body and I think, I do? Why can't i see it too. Why was I cursed with hips. Or trying everything on in my closet standing in front of the mirror and thinking, I can't wear this! And then being late and having to hang it all back up again that night.

    I can't really say it will be easy or any bull****, because I know it sucks, and its a very long process and I know i've only begun to scratch the surface and I'm about 3 years in. Anyways, I am more than willing to talk about anything. I'm not sure of your childhood, or what is causing some of your emotions but for me, reading about others with similar life histories has opened up my mind to why I am experiencing these thoughts and feelings. I'll try to find the title of that book too.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I am very curvy

    Curvy is where it's at :-)
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Aww this is why I love this site so much! Thanks you guys for all the sharing. I know it's not always easy to open yourself up. Feel free to share your personal struggles with me anytime. And yes I'm happy to receive any book suggestions..I love to read! Anything to work on becoming a better me. :flowerforyou:
  • 4me2sibiai
    4me2sibiai Posts: 71
    I started a "Dear Inner Athlete" Journal...always giving kind words to the older heavier me for working so hard to merge with the inner athlete. Just one or two little changes go in the journal when the mood strikes. You can get a beautiful notebook for only a couple dollars and it's amazing what taking a few minutes to write can do for your mood! (Especially if you add :) and ! to the end of the exciting news!!! Keep working through these struggles. We will all be right here to help! :) Everyone struggles. You are SOOOO not alone! (((laughing))). Have a beautiful day! Sending your inner you kindness and patience. * * * * *
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