generallyme2 Member


  • Haha, I'm not a huge Nutella fan but my daughter is and she'll eat it out of the jar with her fingers- which makes it so I'm less likely to eat any after that :s I will sometimes make Nutella brownies with it. The only things I keep out of the house are chips unless we need them for a meal because hubs will go to town on…
  • Definitely get one. Learn about Tare and set your bowl/plate/container on there first, tare it out, add in each food item to weigh and log. Makes life easier. For me, I was pleasantly surprised to notice that I was measuring too low on some foods and was able to get 'more' when I weighed them :)
  • Mmm yes, grilling is great! And you don't have to stick with meat :) Grilled corn, peppers, pineapples, peaches... all good!
  • I write out my meal plan for whatever time period I'm shopping for. Then I stick to the list. Saves money and keeps me from getting rogue random items. And when I get home, I portion out the meat so I can grab and cook as needed. Repurpose leftovers. Today I used a small bit of leftover spanish rice for an egg bowl.…
  • Weirdly, it was this spanish rice and egg dish I threw together for lunch. Leftover spanish rice with sauteed baby spinach, leftover grilled corn, and a couple over easy eggs on top.
  • Haha for which one?
  • I don't drink coffee but I used to have a VERY small bowl of a simple cereal (like 1/2 serving of honey nut cheerios) with 1% milk about 30-45min before my training runs. It would get things moving and I'd be able to go before the run. Other than that, make sure you know where public use toilets are on your route. I agree…
  • I am obsessed with Chick-Fil-A's grilled chicken market salad- YUM. Especially with half a packet of apple cider vinaigrette. Now I'm hungry.
  • Last Thursday, I did a workout that left me sore for 4 days- my butt and legs were wiped out! I put the workout back in my rotation yesterday and I'm only about half as sore and it should easy up pretty fast :smile:
  • I love chicken with a marinade of light ranch, mustard and brown sugar. We had it last night for our anniversary- so good! Got the husband a smoker as a gift so I'm extra excited for all the brisket and ribs we'll be having ;) We also grilled pineapple last night for the first time and it's a new favorite! A little butter,…
  • New NSV today :smiley: I was in the garage doing jumping jacks between sets and my 8 yr old daughter tells my son, "Look, you can see her muscles!" She's very proud- and she's a dancer so it's important for us to model healthy eating and exercise habits for her. Another one: When I do my lunges, I sometimes put my hands on…
  • My goal range is 120-125. I picked it based off a weight I used to be (I held steady for years without trying at 114lbs but I figured a few extra is reasonable given 2 kids + the body shape I prefer). I'm also not using it just as a goal weight, it's more of a pit stop. If I am happy/healthy at that weight, I'll keep it,…
  • That's awesome! It's amazing how much we eat because we're used to it, not because we're actually hungry. I'm the same way... between me and my husband we could polish off a whole pizza. Now I stick with 2 slices and veggies and it's fine!
  • Got another one today :smiley: Those clothes I bought a few days ago? Well one was a tank top that was a large when I tried it on but too big so I grabbed what I thought was a medium off rack (hanger said medium). I guess I didn't bother to check the tag because, while I was wearing it today, I was telling my husband I…
  • I love 'non-breakfast food' for breakfast... usually spaghetti or leftover cold chicken strips so I don't do that often haha. Today I seriously contemplated having some leftover baked chicken and roasted veggies but I decided to save it for lunch or dinner.
  • I used to get nauseous if I ate breakfast. Turned out it was because I was waking up early after very little sleep. Now I get more sleep and I'm slightly hungry in the AM so I usually eat something small and easy: - oatmeal (mixed w/ an egg while cooking) and fruit - greek yogurt with PB, fruit - 100 cal bagel with…
  • I haven't tried to change it up but it's funny that you posted here because I've been thinking of making another batch of these haha! I think a bit of coconut wouldn't hurt... you could even do half of it with coconut just in case so it wouldn't be a total wash.
  • I went to Target for some summer tank tops and went into the dressing room with 24 items, mostly mediums. Only 3 of them fit because apparently I'm a size small now haha. Also, I got a pair of jeans in size 2 (instead of 6 or 8 that I usually am in that brand)- I am very aware that it's partly vanity sizing but it's still…
  • This beef, cabbage and tomato soup that reminds me of a soup my friend's grandma from India used to make when we were kids (omit the beef- I just need protein). I love it. I made a big batch and froze it to have for lunch with fruit and finger veggies. Also, fudgesicles. I love a sweet treat after dinner and these hit the…
  • I always save a few cals for an after dinner sweet. I have a big sweet tooth so that's important to me. I'll have my hot tea and usually: a fudgesicle, popcorn (sometimes with chocolate chips tossed in), or some kind of cookie or dessert that I've made that week. Pepperidge Farm makes a cookie called Geneva which is a…
  • Sometimes with homeschooling (and having 4 kids!) it's easier to get things done while they're sitting down and eating. You can prep schoolwork, get a few chores in, etc. Sometimes I'll read literature to mine while they eat- which means I eat after they do. Sometimes I just hide out in my room and play online for a mental…
  • I have trouble getting in protein too but I don't do shakes, so here's what I usually do. Greek yogurt (I get the chobani coconut kind and mix in a tbs of PB- tastes like the inside of a Reese's). Pre-boil eggs so they're in a bowl and ready to go in your fridge. Pre-cook some chicken breasts and keep it sliced in your…
  • Thank you! I did it. Got the weights done, some stretching and took the kids on a bonus walk :) I feel a little better now and I'll really enjoy the bread I made this afternoon! I've always been a cardio person aside from a weight lifting class in high school so I'm trying to get back into it but getting into a habit of it…
  • I'm a really cold person no matter my weight. I always have hot tea in hand (even in summer haha), I keep sweaters in the car just in case I forget to throw one on before I leave. I have a microwavable rice bag that I will use to help heat back up (you can use this in the car, at the office, etc). I used to keep a space…
  • I'll have to look into those. I get migraines really bad so I watch my caffeine and no artificial sweetners. Basically water and tea here haha.
  • Agreed! I'm not physically wiped out so I'm sure it's just lazy and tired of people in general. Thanks for the reminder.
  • You're right, once I get going it'll be fine. Getting there is the hard part sometimes haha.
  • I get the peach tranquility hot tea. I don't like coffee ;) I will very occassionally get a steamed milk with hazelnut flavour added but I have to be in the mood.
  • This. I've recently incorporated a more consistent strength training routine (and less cardio). The scale has gone up slightly which is frustrating but my stomach and butt already look better and I feel stronger. From what I've seen, it's a stick with it type of thing.
  • Mine have started doing that- I've recently focused on strength training so I figured that was it. It's probably the new routine and engaging your core more. Mine kind of radiated from my thighs up into my uterus so that's why I thought it was the workout :smiley: Not sure if you still ovulate but sometimes I get cramps…