I've found an apple or a banana with a handful of almonds or spoonful of peanut butter to be a good choice. Combine this with a glass of water and you should be set.
I'm here for the community. I've found success without tracking every single thing I can be done. When I used to track food, I found that it made me paranoid about what/how much i was eating; I couldn't enjoy life and just eat and exercise normally. When I quit tracking, the balance just came naturally.
My advice would be to ditch the macro and calorie counting -- in my experience, it only ever seems to lead to obsessive-compulsive behavior. Instead, focus on eating either three meals a day, or three meals and three snacks.
"I haven't lifted weights in a long time and both were only like 5kg each." Ya, if you do 50 standing curls with 10 pound weights after not having done it "in a long time", you're definitely going to build up some lactic acid. It could easily take 3-5 days for your muscles to heal. The good news, though, is the more you do…
"I eat about 600 calories and exercise 1 1/2 daily for about 3 or 4 days. Then, I go crazy a binge eat for a day sometimes 2 days. Then, after binge days I exercise 3 hours. " This is not healthy, at all. On only 600 calories, how do you even have enough energy to exercise for 90 minutes -- it boggles the mind. But I…
It's the Nike+ app and, ya, it's pretty accurate.
Twenty pounds? Good Lord, that's like thirty dollars. For that price, unless the pedometer is going to give you a foot massage at the end of the day, I'd definitely skip it. I have an app on my phone that I use that cost around $2 (£1.30), and I know there are lots of free apps as well. Plus, I'm pretty sure that you can…
Ha ha, okay...if you want to get into a semantic argument over what a "true" Trek fan is then I'll just point you to this vid:,14333/ That said, I do like Star Trek; however, I'm just enough of a realist to not hype it to astronomical levels. I…
You're just mad because you know I'm right...
If you're not doing some form of moderately intense exercise and are instead cutting carbs to lose weight, then once you reintroduce carbs into your diet you'll gain the weight back. Carbs are stored as fat when they're not used as energy, so if your body is not expending them as energy to fuel workouts then they'll be…
I wouldn't say that "fit Hollywood people" counts as "a lot of research".
Agree with the above poster...the whole low carb fad is entirely over-hyped. I recommend that you eat however many grams MFP suggests that you eat; if you eat too few carbs you'll have no energy to workout (or do anything else, for that matter). Although you might see the weight come off initially, once you start eating…
My advice to you would be not to deny and deprive yourself of food; if you want to eat a piece of chocolate then do it, it's perfectly okay. If you get into this constant cycle of depriving yourself and then fighting cravings you'll eventually cave and binge. The most successful people are those who learn to eat a balanced…
I like Star Trek as much as the next guy, but, let's face it: the first six Trek movies are nothing to write home about. In fact, the series itself is pretty campy. I can't believe anyone took ToS seriously, it looks like hilarious camp compared to old school sci-fi like Forbidden Planet. TNG is a little better, but most…
<Born in Los Gatos, California, USA but currently reside in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA. However, I have been to the UK as well (except for Scotland and Northern Ireland).
Heh, better watch out, the Keto Police are all over this board. Granted, I initially had SOME misconceptions about keto, but after studying it out I've come to the conclusion that it's basically a modified version of Atkins (albeit with uncanny staying's been around, in one form or another, since the 20's). I…
I'm guessing women go for the "bad boy" until they grow up; however, it's entirely possible that adult women would choose the "bad boy". I'm not a woman, so I can't offer an expert opinion.
HIMYM is pretty good, although I haven't watched it that much.
In a word: no.
Of course American sitcoms....we're not into that BBC crap :-)
I see what you did there. At least, I hope I saw what I think I saw :-/
"Loose" is an adjective, and is thus a descriptor; "Lose" is a verb, and conveys action.
Honestly, I don't put that much thought into it. I usually just click "accept" and that's that.
I used WW as well, I learned a lot while using it (particularly about portion control); however, after almost 4 months of using it I got the basic idea, as well as portion control, down pat so I didn't want to keep spending the $20 a month. In addition to that, counting points got really tedious and boring after a while.
Diets that call for you to entirely eliminate an entire food group or other ingredient/nutrient (in this case, sugar) are typically classified as fad diets, and, in turn, are probably unsustainable long-term.
Guy, here's my advice: stop stressing over all that crap and simply eat right at, or just under, your daily calorie allotment; in addition, make time for exercise at least five days a week. If you follow the plan everything else will, to quote the Bobs from Office Space: "work itself out naturally." When you start getting…
This is one of the mistakes that would-be healthy people make; they deprive themselves. If you want a piece of chocolate, then have a piece of chocolate (notice I said "piece" and not "whole candy bar"). If you want a candy bar, buy one and have half now, and half before bed; there's nothing wrong with that. If you…
Some of my favorites: P.O.D. Coheed and Cambria Demon Hunter Blindside Relient K Daughtry Imagnine Dragons