aquirico Member


  • My meal plan currently looks like this, which is roughly 1100-1200 cals: Breakfast: 200 cal meal replacement Snack: greek yogurt & fruit (berries, grapes) Lunch: Spinach, berries, rf feta, grilled chicken - grilled chicken seasoned well gives salad enough flavor that I don't need dressing, and this was a HUGE change for…
  • I'm loving a spinach salad with some sort of fruit (blueberries, strawberries) with seasoned grilled chicken, add feta for some flavor and additional protein.
  • Farro also makes a great mediterranean salad. It's a grain, higher in fiber and protein than quinoa, and more subsantial like rice, with great flavor! This is a recipe we like.
  • Juicy grilled chicken with good seasoning means I don't need salad dressing! Spinach, rf feta, blueberries, & grilled chicken!
  • I need to lose half my body weight. Half! So, when I am successful, I want this tatooed on my wrist.
  • This has spoken to me like no other post I've ever read on this site. Thank you SO much. I've been struggling with so many of the issues you raised for forever. This morning, I decided to give myself the summer to really commit to this process and see if I can do it on my own. If I've failed by the fall, I will seek more…
  • It wasn't having a little girl and realizing what a role model I would need to be. It wasn't my husband calling me on the carpet and telling me I needed to do something because I wasn't the same girl he fell in love with. It wasn't watching each year roll by and each missed goal making me feel worse and worse. It was being…
  • I'd like to know more about this challenge! It sounds like a fun way to lose weight, and I love HP! I don't have time to help, though. :( Definitely want to join!
  • An omelette (egg substitute) filled with tons of veggies fills me up and is low on calories.
  • We went strawberry picking this weekend and made a salad very similar to this one for lunch. The maple vinaigrette was super easy to make and delicious on this salad! We added some grilled chicken to make it a meal. 1 T pure maple syrup 2 T red wine vinegar 1 T EVOO salt and pepper to taste Whisk!
  • My new favorite is a farro salad packed with veggies. It's protein, whole grain, veggies. A little goes a long way to filling you up at lunch time!
  • Level 2 - Day 3 for me. I'm still liking level 2, and thinking about upping my weights. I'm taking it slow, but I WILL finish! I'm considering staying away from the scale for a month because I can feel myself getting stronger, but I've gained 4 pounds in the last three weeks, and that makes me crazy. I think I'm going to…
  • I just did day 1 of Level 2 last night, and I also kind of liked it. I'm over 300 pounds, but was able to do the modified plank exercises, just taking it slow. I definitely sweat a lot more, and it was a real struggle to get through it, but I felt great that I actually did it! Now tonight might be a little harder. ;) Just…
    in Level 2 Comment by aquirico May 2013
  • I gained 2 pounds after my first week. I'm curious to see what the scale says tomorrow, after week 2!
  • I'm using 3 pound weights, which is plenty for me on the arm lifts!
  • I got a little behind, so today is Day 3 for me. I spent 3 hours trimming bushes in our yard yesterday, and, my forearms are in so much pain right now. I'm not sure how I'll get though those pushups tonight, but I'll do my best!
    in day 3 Comment by aquirico May 2013
  • I just finished my Day 1 of the 30DS and 25 minutes of Zumba cardio. I feel great! I can't quite get all the way down on the pushups, and jumping jacks kill me, but otherwise I got through it all. Feeling good!
    in Day 1 Comment by aquirico May 2013
  • Hi everyone! I'm Allyson, a 36 yr old mom of a 5 yr old, with a very busy schedule. I commute 2 hours a day, and so as a result I'm a late night workout person, usually after 9pm. I like doing it at night though. I started the 30DS last month, but only made it to day 10. I'm excited to try again and stick with it this…
  • I'd love to join this group for a new challenge! I've been tracking on MFP for over a year and not seeing very good results. Yesterday I decided to start fresh, new profile, diary is public, no excuses! I think setting goals will be key for me, and hopefully this group can help. My goals for my renewing week are: log every…