Don't ever get married!
Isn't cardio eating away your muscle a myth?
I went to one of those health clinics and got my T checked. Was surprised to find out I had healthy to high level of T and Free T. But at same time I found out my estrogen level was high and my thyroid function was low. Because my T level was high they would not give me any T replacement but I am due to start an estrogen…
At first I did 0-20 carbs a day, now I eat between 30-50. I have a little apple sauce with my meats, a whole wheat bun with my burgers. And a small amount of bread crumbs with other meats.
I just planned to do low carb till I hit my goal. But long term I want to have a more balanced diet. I have had a really difficult time with weight training. I just have very little enthusiasm and energy in the weight room because I find it hard to add muscle and make gains. I even went to one of those clinics to be…
Well said. I try to rephrase what I say in my head to... I want to be fit and slim. I am on my way to being fit and slim, etc...