Guinevere_22 Member


  • My sodium is pretty good, I eat rock salt mostly. I also eat plenty of bananas and dairy so can't imagine it's calcium or potassium, then again I might not absorb them well... either way I agree that adding a mineral and vitamin drink before seems a good idea. Didn't seem dehydrated, but it could well be electrolyte…
  • I wore shoes for the combat class but went barefoot for the balance class, which is when I got cramps. I've ordered some supplements for my water up help the cramps. Any suggestions for the nausea? Well it subside if I keep at it?
  • The workout was BodyCombat and BodyBalance classes - so cardio. I had 1l of water with me which I drank during class. I didn't find the length a problem as the nausea hit me during the high intensity and not so much with the Balance class which is slower. I've done previous workouts fasted, but never such intense ones.…
  • Remember; practice makes perfect! Just think of each new attempt as a step towards the best logging. Keep positive about it, even when you don't make it, just keep focused on your end goal. Good Luck!
  • It sucks, I know how frustrating it is to watch other people make poor decisions about their health and well-being and then ***** and moan about how impossible it is to change their lives. The truth of the matter is; most people are terrified of change and some of them actually like living a life full of misery (it gives…
  • Lol Yeah I get what you mean. however I'm generally really shy so it takes a bit for me to share. These sort of comments come into conversations when the topic comes up; ie - my colleague asked what I'd bought at the shop and when I mentioned I'd purchased a scale she said "you're too obsessive about weight loss... "etc.…
  • Well done for coming forward and attempting to create change in your life. You both need to see a doctor, and not just a GP. There is most definitely an eating disorder involved and you will not be able to tackle this disorder without outside help. MFP can only do so much, and this is where it reaches it's limit. You need…
  • I agree with you 100% about being honest with oneself. That is the only way we can truly determine whether it's our hormones or bad diet adherence. However, I do think that talk like this DOES serve a purpose; if people are going to use this as an excuse that is their issue. It is not for us to decide what is OK to discuss…
  • Considering that the article had clearly stated sources and referenced I don't see why it shouldn't be taken seriously. With that in mind I do agree that many people will take this as a reason they can't lose weight and then drop off their program. But then I also believe people who aren't truly committed will find a…
  • I was once in the gym changing room getting ready for my workout - and this women walks out of the shower butt-naked; walks over to where I'm changing as if the entire room wasn't empty and starts chatting to me about my sports bra which was weird enough, but whilst she talked she was drying herself; down-there! lol some…