xbted Member


  • If it were realistic, everyone else would be losing 4 pounds a week.
  • From someone who spent 10 years at the university, let me give you a few hints. First and foremost- stay away from the fizzy drinks- beer and soda. Second, if you go away for school, and you live in the dorms- just because the dining hall food is all you can eat doesn't mean that you should! The salad bar is your friend!…
  • Jousting Coach
  • oops, I meant redundant
  • eviscerate
  • After a while, the mere sight of cupcakes will make you want to vomit. I know, my first job was at a bakery and 20 years later, I still can't eat donuts. However, until you build up your pastry immunity, I'd say take a little step outside when you're feeling tempted. If you're a compulsive taster like I was, get one of…
  • I'll add you, I've got about 100 to go!
  • Ich komme aus America, aber Ich bin im Berlin. So, hello and welcome to MFP!
  • It took years for me to make it go away, and even at that I'm not sure if it's gone or just hiding. But the thing is, I like to tell that little voice to kiss my @$$ and yell at it in my head when I run. I use my hatred of all of those voices to propel me, and it's like I burn them and use them as rocket fuel. And when I…
  • No. No way, no how. If my wife lost that much weight- and my real life wife couldn't lose that much without dying... I would do everything in my power to make her feel comfortable in her new body even if i had to pay for surgery. God bless those girls going though what all of us are going through!!!!
  • Holy crap. People, go to your chemistry classes. And seriously, apples have quite a bit of fructose, but they also have a quite a bit of all the other nutrients you need. I love apples for the energy and juice and whatever. If you don't want calories, then don't eat. Are you all freaking insane??? You need some energy to…
  • If you want to retard ripening, then put them in the fridge. If you want to accelerate ripening, put them in a paper bag. Bananas ripen more quickly in the presence of nitrous oxide which they produce in small quantities- warmer spaces accelerate the production of NO2, and confined spaces accelerate NO2 uptake, thus the…
  • Here in Germany, everything is a processed meat product. I haven't had a good steak in over a year :( And no, they don't have pie here, but they do have about every type of cake you could possibly imagine. But if you really want to talk about American food, you don't get more American than Buffalo Wings. I have to make my…
  • For myself, I lost 12 pounds, so I bought myself some new cologne. If I look better, I need to smell better!
  • I haven't started weight training yet, but I'm trying to get back to the point where I can do 100 pushups and 100 situps in 2 minutes each. After that, I'll probably invest in a gym membership; I think having free weights in the apartment with a curious toddler and 3 cats is a recipe for disaster! Thanks to everyone for…
  • I drink a gallon by breakfast... but it has coffee in it!!!
  • Thanks to everyone for your replies and your adds! I hope I can share some motivation to everyone and we can all help each other out with our goals! I'm going for the total lifestyle change myself, so I'm in it for the long run. I miss my McDonalds so much sometimes, especially today, but in the end when I'm wearing some…
  • Hey Jenny, I'm a teacher, and it seems like I don't even have time to use that bathroom some days. Personally, I keep a few apples with me- they don't need refrigeration and they tide me over between meals. I like to use exercise time as some 'free' time to get out and listen to music. I got myself a head lamp so I can run…
  • Friend request sent!
  • I'm outdoors all the time, and don't even own a car anymore. We have a 50 Km trail behind our apartment, perfect for walking and running and checking out the birdies. Friend request sent!
  • From Kansas, but living in Germany!!!
  • I started running again about a month ago, and got myself up to 10K today... anyhoo, friend request sent!
  • I understand your pain, you must be a girl version of me. I'm 6'0 , and when I was in the Navy, I was about 201 pounds. I had a 28 inch waist, and couldn't buy any pants besides 'loose cut' because I couldn't fit my legs in, despite the fact that I ran about 10 miles a day. Recently I've lost about 20 pounds, and finally…
  • KCCO from Berlin, Germany!
  • Hey, I'm 39 this year, and will do the Mudder event in Berlin in October for my birthday. Also trying to drop about 35 kilos in the meantime, so I'm out running everyday. Anyways, you all can feel free to add me! Ted