

  • This is all great information.... i try to eat between 1600-1800 cals and try and walk regularly with the kiddos.... (excusivly breastfeed 7 months old and a 3 1/2 yearold....) i have lost alot this month with out even really trying that hard... I know the weight loss will slow down but i havent had any milk supply issues…
  • Thats a great attitude! I am going to add you! :) I want to lose a ton as well... was at 215 the first of the year. I am at 205.4 now and want to be down to 140 as soon as i can.... We can all do it!!! :) lets stay motivated!
  • Im trying to lose from my kiddos as well! My son is 3 and a half and my daughter is 7 months. I am 5 lbs from prepreggo weight from my daughter and 11 lbs away from my pre preggo weight with my son.... but have a lot to lose past that point. I am looking for other people who can keep me motivated! :)
  • i am always hungry in the evenings too! I try and just drink water to get the hungry feeling to subside... sometimes it works other times not... Popcorn is very low cal if you air pop it and put not much on it! its filling too :)
  • I would love some other people that are supportive! I have a lot of weight to lose!
  • I dont like slimfast(the taste of the shake)-but i do like the portions.... it makes me feel full all day long Eat 1 500 calorie meal.... eat 2 200 calorie "meals" eat 3 100 calorie "meals"
  • I do it for things like pasta dishes as well and it tends to work for me... but when it comes to veggies i just eat them on my regular plate.... I also just try to eat till im not hungry-not till im full.... between those two things its working so far! Now just to up the excersize! i want this baby weight OFF :)