

  • Wow Iwishyouwell, I am SO inspired by your post!! Your ticker says you've lost 130 pounds, that is AWESOME!! I know what you mean about hiding in "persnoal style" clothes in the summer.. You are totally going to rock it this summer and enjoy every minute of it (well, maybe not the hot weather!) Dancing, swimming, beach…
  • Wow! I just checked out your pictures, GREAT JOB!!!! you look absolutley AWESOME! You are my picture inpiration for the day :) Happy summer to both of us! (if it ever gets here lol)
  • This happened to my mom when we were out shopping one time.. she asked how far along she was. I could tell my poor mom was so mortified and coudlnt even find words to respond so i just reached over and put my hand on her stomach and said "She's 52 weeks. How's your husband's new wife? I heard she was my age, some people!!"…
  • MFP gives me 1600 to eat.. I've been averaging about 1200-1300 and then i work out and burn at least 600.. i dont get what the deficet thing means.. and i dont know what BMR or TDEE is either lol sorry im still learning all the healthy lingo lol.. And I do drink a lot of water during the day and i alwasy finishe a bottle…
  • Hey Girl! There are a ton of us out here! I found that commenting on people's message boards/blogs helps, I just started clicking around adding people when I started, now it comes more naturally.. like this one :) What are you goals?!
  • HAHA you guys have made my day! I am still learning all the nooks and crannies of mfp.. today I found a report bar graph that shows, well, whatever I want to see based on my entries! I saw that I was way under all of last week, and then the twin towers of a weekend.. i think that my lifestyle will definitely push me to be…
  • WOW! I just realized how to see these postings, I didnt realize anyone had responded! Feeling SO encouraged and motivated!! I appreciate all of the advice and encouraging words everyone shared, I took something away from every single post! :)