Tight Pants Monday..

I log into myfittnesspal with my head down and tail between my legs knowing what I am about to record from my weekend. Going into the weekend, I was very on top of my eating and exercising, making myself promise that I wouldn't mess up this weekend..Well, take a look at my food diary and you'll see why I have disappointed myself. But I am forcing myself to find the silver lining!! It would have been easy to just not record my intake but I still did it! Now I am at the crossroads of What to Do Next and Hate Yourself for Messing Up.

Although i did have a GREAT weekend, I do feel like crap today. I'm tired, my pants are tight, and I just feel groggy. I made sure that I packed my gym bag and put it right in my car so that I would go immediately after work. I plan on doing at least an hour of cardio, if not more. I had 2 days in a row with 1,000 deficits of overeating this weekend, so I am shooting to burn at least 700 of those today.

Feel discouraged but trying to keep a good head about myself. Losing weight is tough, and if anything this was an eye opener about how many calories drinks really have hidden in them! Holy crap!

How did you do this weekend?


  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    LOL! I had to laugh at the title. I too didn't do so well with the eating part this weekend. But I find that even though I tend to go over my goals on the weekends, it's easier for me to get to the gym for longer periods of time to work it off. So hopefully come my weigh in on Wednesday it won't be too bad. I managed to work out both Saturday and Sunday after a huge overage on Friday, and today is my rest day. Trying to be really good. Good luck to everyone this week! :drinker:
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Lol! Tight pants Monday, I love it. My Saturday was great and I was a BAMF with staying within my calories and getting some good cardio in. Yesterday was ehh. I was doing alright until there was wine. And once there was wine there were brownies and Chinese food. So you know... My pants are a little tight today too. Cheers to lots of water and less tight pants Tuesday :P
  • danielleforrest00
    danielleforrest00 Posts: 13 Member
    Completely understand! I am wedding planning... so between cake tasting and catering tasting, my pants are also a little tight this morning as well :)
  • mpderksen
    The body adapts to trends, not every single day. Imagine the stress you'd feel if everyday you had to eat each kind of veggie (red, green etc.). Just doesn't work that way. If your overall intake and activity is the lifestyle of someone that is 10lbs lighter, then you will become that person. Today, you behave. Tomorrow, same thing. Don't think of a healthy lifestyle as a punishment for a bad weekend, think of the last few days as an exception to who you generally are. When the splurges become the norm, THAT'S when it become a problem.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    You could always set weekly goals instead of daily goals. That way, if you go over on the weekend but stayed within your weekly limit, you'll have the privilege of knowing you weren't gaining weight. It's nice if you know pretty far ahead of time that something's gonna go down on the weekend. Haha!
  • spdoughe
    spdoughe Posts: 51
    HAHA you guys have made my day!
    I am still learning all the nooks and crannies of mfp.. today I found a report bar graph that shows, well, whatever I want to see based on my entries! I saw that I was way under all of last week, and then the twin towers of a weekend.. i think that my lifestyle will definitely push me to be very good during the week and maybe learning to taper my splurges a little bit more, simply adding a half hour of cardio in would bring me down 300 cals! Thanks for all of the funny and inspiring posts! :)
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    Right! That's the spirit! Add some extra exercise today, take the stairs instead of the elevator all day, walk on your lunch break. Cut back your calorie limit today and Tuesday. Get yourself back on track!
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    totally agree about logging it all being a good step forward! i've had many times where i thought, "oh i don't REALLY have to log this" due to embarrassment, but then I remember my goal, and just because I'm telling myself I didn't eat those 4 ho-ho's, doesn't mean the scale won't tell me I did. Sweeping things under the rug does not get rid of them nor does it teach you anything about moving forward.