

  • For me it is impossible to stick to 1200 cals so I set myself an intake of 1500 and I think it's going to work much better for me in the long run. I don't care if I don't lose weight super fast, I'd rather do it at my own pace and knowing that it's something I can stick to in the future. I've been on diets before, been…
  • Me and Bey have the exact same body type but she's a hella lot more toned than I am :love:
  • 22, loving life :) My goals: - lose17 lbs by the end of the summer - finding a good balance in food and nutrition - tone up those legs! we can do this!
  • Hey Lindsay, I went for a run too, just came back, the weather was gorgeous today! And the delicious cupcake I made the other day are FINALLY GONE!!! I ate one and I gave the other one to my housemate... sharing is caring right? :wink: well done for your run yesterday! Now I need to have a shower and prepare dinner...…
    in Day 1 Comment by arasky90 May 2013
  • Hi lovely ladies, my name is Sara, I'm 22 and I live in the UK but I'm originally from Italy. I love my body and that's why I want to give it the best treatment possible. These past few months have been really hard for me and I've given into too many treats... I feel like I've lost sense of what my body really needs and…
  • Hello Cathy, I'm new here too. I had a cheat day two days ago and when I logged on how many more calories I had eaten I almost had a heart attack! It really made me think how much junk I was putting in my body just because I was frustrated or stressed out... Logging in what you eat is definitely the key so don't give up!…
    in struggling Comment by arasky90 May 2013
  • YES. From my mum, quite often... only recently she's started to realise how much it hurts me.