fryingpanofdoom Member


  • This is awesome! My birthday is November 25, I'll be 29. It would be great to see the scale at 130 by then! Right now I'm hovering between 140 and 145, for the past 6 months. My highest was 172 in 2014. I had a lot of success in 2015 dropping ~30lbs by diet alone. There aren't any gyms close enough to me right now to…
  • Trying to get back on the wagon, looking for more friends! 28F, SW: 172, CW: 145, GW: 125-130
  • I worked at an independent coffee shop and a Starbucks. I agree it does seriously spoil you. lol You can do it! It took me a couple months, and still opt for cream (thought only a small amount) over milk, but it's totally worth it! I feel like I enjoy the coffee itself now rather than craving it for a sugar kick (although…
  • Don't give up your coffee if you love it! I would be so miserable if I couldn't have my favorite coffee drinks. It's just not worth it to me to give them up, and I don't have the will power to anyway haha. :) I too am a DD iced caramel swirl addict! I love my Starbucks lattes, but DD beats Sbux iced coffee by a mile.…
  • Hahaha I don't! *runs for cover* But in my defense, I use a bottle of hand sanitizer in my purse instead of water/soap washing because I tend to have weird allergic reactions to various hand soaps, and I will frequently wait until outside of the bathroom to put it on, since I usually have to hit a handle or two on my way…
  • I like it because it's cheap and all I want to do is use the cardio machines and some of the weight machines and keep to myself. I've heard people into serious lifting don't like it so much, but if you're a casual gym goer it's fine. I know they have fitness trainers and will help you make a training schedule, but I've…
  • I'm going to get some new workout clothes! I'd like fitted capris and some new tank tops. My current ones are serviceable, but kind of old and will be looking pretty yucky by the time I lose 10 more pounds.
  • Woohoo! I'm ready! :D Shooting for about 10lbs, ideally, but anything over 5 will make me extremely happy! Start Weight: 161lbs Goal Weight: 151lbs I'd also like to be running for 10 minutes at a 4.5mph speed on the treadmill. I'm at about 7-8 minutes at 4.1mph right now. Good luck, everyone!
  • I think you're fine not eating breakfast as long as it's just because you're not hungry! I hate breakfast, too. I mean, I love love love breakfast foods, but I never want to eat in the morning. I usually get up around 6:30, drink some water, and nurse a cup of coffee until 10/10:30 when I grab some fruit, cheese, or yogurt…
  • I'm actually aiming a little low because this is my first serious attempt at getting healthy and I don't want to discourage myself too early. Anyway, I'm shooting to drop around 6lbs between now and New Year's. I know I can reach that even with all the holiday food consumption, and if I happen to go over it, all the…
  • lol sorry but all these blanket statements about "if you can do x while you workout then you aren't doing it right" are annoying. I read just fine on my kindle while on the elliptical and my heart rate is in high cardio range with a pretty decent speed and resistance. Sweating buckets, too. Music just doesn't cut it for…
  • Hi! My super power is... indecision! Hahaha. And flying. Telekinesis would be cool, but I've been a fan of flight for much longer so I must stay loyal. I've been a heavy fantasy/sci-fi reader since ever. I also like girly domestic things like sewing, knitting, and baking. Horribly awkward sitcoms (Peep Show, The Office,…
  • My first scale goal is to be in the 150's by my birthday, the 25th! I'm only 3lbs away so I think I can definitely pull it off. The only other goal I have right now is to run a full 10 minutes on the treadmill. I'm at about 7 this week.
  • Sometimes I feel like my geek license should be revoked because I'm not a gamer. Haha. I do actually have an NDS Lite that I love, but it's harder to find motivation to play it than it is to go to the gym!
  • Bagels!!! I have also used it in potato soup (I was skeptical, but it turned out to be the best potato soup I ever had!). And my ultimate guilty pleasure is a graham cracker with cream cheese and melted chocolate spread on top. It's like an instant mini-cheesecake. :)
  • Thanks for the warm welcome! Glad to see so many other IT people here. XD I'm in web programming, myself, and love it. Definitely joining that group!
  • HIgh-5! Sheldon is the best. Actually most of my friends are that unusual combination of geeky and athletic/adventurous, so my desire to keep up with them on both fronts has been growing. Definitely not a bad thing!