Dunkin Donuts

My one weakness.... Coffee... Especially Dunkin Donuts..... I used to get DD Med or Large Caramel Swirl Iced coffee w/ sugar and extra cream EVERY morning before work. At the beginning of March (2013) I cut it out completely. I tried to go 21 days without Dunkin Donuts at all! It stuck pretty well. I only went two days out of the 21 and it was in the afternoon. I got a Small Coconut iced coffee with cream and sugar.

Now that my 21 days are over and I have completely gone back to my Small or Med Caramel Swirl Iced coffee with sugar and (reg amount) cream..... I jointed MFP and a gym last week. So far I have lost two pounds but I think I could be doing so much better without my Dunkin Donuts iced coffee! How do I break this habbit?!?!! I need HELP! I even tried to drive past the DD this morning but I ended up stopping at a different one. (I drive past two Dunkin Donuts on my 20 minute drive to work). What would you guys recommend?!


  • htimsm87
    htimsm87 Posts: 104 Member
    Based on the amount of money you are probably spending on coffee every day. My recommendation would be to get a good coffee machine for at home. Make your coffee before you leave for work and can use zero calorie sweetner and cream yourself. Make your own healthier coffee and drink it on the way past DD..
  • mickeyullrich
    mickeyullrich Posts: 156 Member
    I feel your pain. I am a Starbucks addict and love to have my peppermint mocha every single day. I have been having a large for the past few years and when I joined MFP I realized it was 363 calories..yikes. I am not willing to part with it entirely just yet so I have downsized to a medium and then eventually I will go to a small. I just count it as part of my calories because for me the minute I feel like I absolutely cannot have something, I want it even more and end up bingeing (sp?). I know that is not entirely helpful but is there anyway you can work it into your calories everyday so that you can still enjoy it?

    Best wishes,
    Christine :smile:
  • fryingpanofdoom
    fryingpanofdoom Posts: 19 Member
    Don't give up your coffee if you love it! I would be so miserable if I couldn't have my favorite coffee drinks. It's just not worth it to me to give them up, and I don't have the will power to anyway haha. :)

    I too am a DD iced caramel swirl addict! I love my Starbucks lattes, but DD beats Sbux iced coffee by a mile. Caramel swirl with sugar must be sweet central. Haha. I always get it with just cream and it's more than enough sweet for me.

    Anyway, if you think you can get away with less sweetened coffee, try a caramel swirl and ask for no sugar and half the amount of caramel syrup and either keep the cream or change it to skim milk (I use cream; it makes the lesser amount of syrup not as obvious!). That knocks the calories down to below 200.

    Making your own at home is also really great, and you have better control over the portions and ingredients used, however I myself am lazy so it's a good day if I manage to brew a hot pot of coffee AND pack a decent lunch. Planning far enough ahead to make a yummy iced coffee concoction is a little out of my range still.
  • I have a small coffee pot at home but the coffee is just not the same... I have worked at several different coffee shops and I think the coffee from those places have spoiled my taste buds in a good way....

    I may start to order a small, caramel swirl iced coffee with no sugar and cream. Then go down to 1/2 the caramel swirl and cream. Eventually I want to get to the point where I can just drink it with skim milk and no sugar.... It's going to be hard but I can do it!

    Thanks for all the help and recommendations!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    My one weakness.... Coffee... Especially Dunkin Donuts..... I used to get DD Med or Large Caramel Swirl Iced coffee w/ sugar and extra cream EVERY morning before work. At the beginning of March (2013) I cut it out completely. I tried to go 21 days without Dunkin Donuts at all! It stuck pretty well. I only went two days out of the 21 and it was in the afternoon. I got a Small Coconut iced coffee with cream and sugar.

    Now that my 21 days are over and I have completely gone back to my Small or Med Caramel Swirl Iced coffee with sugar and (reg amount) cream..... I jointed MFP and a gym last week. So far I have lost two pounds but I think I could be doing so much better without my Dunkin Donuts iced coffee! How do I break this habbit?!?!! I need HELP! I even tried to drive past the DD this morning but I ended up stopping at a different one. (I drive past two Dunkin Donuts on my 20 minute drive to work). What would you guys recommend?!

    I love sugary coffee drinks! I wouldn't eliminate coffee - but I would learn how to enjoy a lighter version (less cream and sugar) or order a small only. Log it in your diary and if the calories fit for the day...don't worry about it. You can enjoy foods that you love and still lose weight. It's called moderation!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Stop going to Dunkin Donuts... Solved!
  • tigerlily886
    tigerlily886 Posts: 74 Member
    The DD I worked at has a caramel swirl and a caramel flavor shot. The flavor shot has no sugar. Instead of cream, maybe you can try skim milk with it.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    My vote is for making your own at home & taking it in a travel mug. That is what I do. It gives me control. I use a Keurig at home.

    I dropped the cream & only use stevia. You can buy flavored coffee that does not add calories and/or you can add flavored SF syrups or flavored stevia drops.

    You might even put the money you save in a piggy bank to save up for a special gift for yourself.
  • fryingpanofdoom
    fryingpanofdoom Posts: 19 Member
    I have a small coffee pot at home but the coffee is just not the same... I have worked at several different coffee shops and I think the coffee from those places have spoiled my taste buds in a good way....

    I may start to order a small, caramel swirl iced coffee with no sugar and cream. Then go down to 1/2 the caramel swirl and cream. Eventually I want to get to the point where I can just drink it with skim milk and no sugar.... It's going to be hard but I can do it!
    I worked at an independent coffee shop and a Starbucks. I agree it does seriously spoil you. lol You can do it! It took me a couple months, and still opt for cream (thought only a small amount) over milk, but it's totally worth it! I feel like I enjoy the coffee itself now rather than craving it for a sugar kick (although if anything it makes the coffee snobbery heaps worse because you aren't masking the coffee flavor with tons of sugar). Good luck! :)