

  • I am new to running, just began 3 weeks ago. I am preparing for a 5k in June. I found a novice runner schedule online and am feeling successful. I only run 3 days a week; on the off days I walk, lift weights, go to zumba class. I just continue with my usual workouts and take one day off, sometimes two, a week.
  • The best way to gain that desire you had formerly is to do something you have loved formerly. It sounds to me like running for you is that thing, you talked about it like it made you feel really great. Go for it!! I am considering running my very first 5k, haven't registered for it yet but picked the race and found a…
  • I just started 1200 this week, my diary is open so feel free to add me and take a look. It has actually been easier than I thought. I eat lots of veggies and have fish often.
  • I totally understand this frustration, mine is just the opposite. I'm losing inches but the pounds are not budging. I think maybe it is the way you are measuring, if you are working out you should be losing inches, if you are not then find a gym and the inches will simply fall away! When I measure my waist I start at my…
  • Fantastic!! You must feel like a whole new person! Congrats on all your hard work!!
  • A good rule of thumb is to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store, buy as little as you can from the center aisles. To keep me going all week, even super busy days, I cook one large meal usually on Sunday. Like a soup or a protein that I can then add just a salad or some steamed veggies to later in the week. If I am…
  • Done! You will love it here, lots of support and encouragement!
  • Love Zumba!! It is the most fun you can possibly have during a workout!! Great workout and you'll burn at least 400 calories doing it!!:smile:
  • Stevia (Truvia is one brand) is the only truly natural no calorie sweetener there is. I'm a splenda girl too, I just can't not have sweet in my coffee. I am told however that Splenda is really bad for you, like all the other artificial sweeteners. It is expensive to buy Truvia and I have yet to find a cheaper alternative.…
  • The couch potato in me wants to stay here snuggled up under my blanket, but I am going to get up and do a DVD. My new favorite is Jillian Michaels 6 week six pack, 30 minutes of *kitten* kicking moves!! But if you don't have a choice of fitness DVD's to choose from try looking some up online there are lots to choose from.…
  • As a rule I think once a week is best, but who am I kidding I cannot resist getting on every morning. My new goal will be to ignore the scale until Monday morning because I can see myself becoming obsessed!
  • I am also new to this program, and so far I love it!! I also need some friends I'll send a request.
  • I live in a duplex and...well, sometimes I can hear the neighbor but most times I do not. I often wonder if they hear me.
  • I just started doing this video. It is not easy but a good workout, I was sore after both workouts.:smile: I am looking to start seeing results within the first few weeks! Hope you enjoy it!