

  • Here is one list I like. You can google snacks under 100 calories for more options. I really like the melting 2 squares dark chocolate and dipping 1/2 frozen banana. YUM!
  • oops! forgot the calorie part of the salmon:) Per Serving: calories 324 carbohydrates 14 protein 32 sodium 73 fiber 0
  • Hi all! I am not an experienced cruiser, but love all things travel. We are ex-pats from the US living in New Zealand and loving it - no plans to return to the US except for visits to friends and family. MFP has been great for getting to my goal weight - but more,I have noticed that by tracking my food, I have actually…
  • We are headed to Alaska in just under 7 weeks! I was really close to my maintenance weight, but decided to lose a couple extra in anticipation of this upcoming cruise and visit to Seattle. So close I can taste it! - Alyssa
  • If you like comedy + nerdy stuff - the Nerdest podcast is awesome. I listen to it while I run, sometimes stopping to laugh. Also love love love the Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast on NPR.
  • I do not like going to the gym AT ALL. I enjoy cardio and prefer to do it outside - running, hiking, surfing, skiing are my faves with the occasional Zumba class thrown in on a rainy day:smile: . That being said, I will take classes at a gym and here are a few ways I have introduced resistance: - Chalene Extreme (beach…
  • Good morning! I am envious of your coming summer as we are heading toward winter in the southern part of the world. I have to keep motivated to move over the winter - even when my bed is warm and toasty and calls to me. Welcome jpulse! I too run (sort of) - it is an efficient exercise, and nothing works for my body better…
  • Great for you to deal with the issue! If I might add something... I get huge red flags that you do not like your job. In fact, state you are unhappy working there, but do so for the money. I completely understand the need to provide, but I would like to share that I did a job I was unhappy with for too many years (and it…
  • I am familiar with this feeling. I will not pretend to know the answers, though I can share some thoughts and experiences. When I am discouraged about weight gain (discouraged being a euphemism for having an internal tantrum), I do the following: - make a plan for one week - food/exercise - stick to it - just one week at a…
  • Hi Cool Kids - I too am over 40 with a goal of maintaining fitness over the next few decades I am trying to lose a few pounds prior to my holiday in a couple months as I anticipate relaxing my routine and indulging a bit. My main goal, however, is to encourage/be encouraged by others who have to work at it. Especially on…
  • This is a fascinating look at sugar in diet by an endocrinologist - it has had over 3,400,000 views. After watching, I am fine with the sugar I get in whole fruit as it is packaged in a natural form with fiber and macronutrients. However, this has really curbed my sugar intake in…
  • Hi - I just joined today and am also looking for a few folks to join me on the journey. I would like to lose the last few pounds to my goal weight, then maintain. I am very interested in fitness and nutrition and tend to eat a clean diet with cheese, wine, scotch and chocolate being the exceptions. And I would TOTALLY…
  • You should see your physician. There are several medical conditions that may cause irregular menstruation. One common cause in your age group is polycystic ovarian syndrome, which may be treated through diet and possibly medications as well. Please see your doctor so that you may be appropriately diagnosed.